April 16, 2016

"Her Heart is all of Her"

"Her Heart is all of Her"


She's a little older now
and maybe ready
for a Ruben to paint
yet she is who she is
and that is called heart
with love for all;

Her heart is all
of her and is life
it not only breathes
and feeds her body
but it for all to see
no matter who you are;

You've to grant
she has this other
woman who has
moved into her home
uninvited stealing
her favorite chair
her clothes
even her appearance
in the mirror;
but still she loves
and lets this
other stay;

This is our friend
the word our
is not loosely used
nor inferred
other than she
is special
in so many ways
to each of us
as we have need;

Forget not who you are
but remember always
someone looks to you
as the she in their life
and are you able to be
a heart to share and bare
with another all of you?

Her heart is all of her
and this is the description
all that is needed to know
for she is special
and cares for all
she is Ruth or Esther
she is a mother/sister
she is a rare pearl
who loves us all
as she loves the Savior!

Copyright © 2016 – cji

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