December 22, 2018

older poem (2006) "To Hear, To See, To Feel"

This is from a friend - how astute an observation - and of course my reply - c/ork

"You would think (maybe not) that 9 / 11 along with drugs and money laundering would be enough ingredients to move our peoples (Canada / US) to act more intelligently regarding laws in place and enforceable. You can't pray these matters away and preach to those that will not hear."  (my friend)

 My Reply:
Thank you - it's interesting as the Savior said, "His flock hear his words" he was referring to those looking for signs and trying to contend with the message of His Gospel - as being done as the will of His Father - who sent Him - but most said they could not hear - or see - or feel.  Mortality is a probation - a test - a place where one chooses the world (Babylon) or to be obedient (in all things - Zion).  Praying helps each of us to better understand and to hear His voice in all things; while we've been admonished to share truth - some will hear and forsake the world and the things of the world - and others will hear and continue to ride the fence - while still others will hear and not understand - and finally the rest will not hear - but think they know all things and condemn those who speak or share. 

When one waters the garden - one weeds the garden - weeds grow thicker and faster than the fruit - one is to be nurtured and the other discarded.  It's mostly the same with those who seek to share; i.e. Prophets, Apostles and the Seventy - the flowers, vegetables, fruits hear and obey - the weeds greedily absorb the water only to frolic and play - knowing the weed eater is like a hair cut - thus to stay and come again and again - until the roots are pulled.  Most get tired they (the weeds) know and soon the garden falls into disuse and the weeds feel they've won - and therefore they're right and good!  What they (the weeds) fail to see is that the Master has moved the garden plot - transplanted the flowers, vegetables and fruits to a better plot/ground.  Sadly soon the weeds learn of this and follow - not to add but to destroy.  It's continuous - until the chaff will be separated from the wheat - the two will be standing in the field - one will be taken and the other will be left - the one taken to be burnt and destroyed the other to find the full measure of their creation.

Thus one appears to preach - extort - explain - while it would be better said, "One continues to reach, teach, care, share - knowing full well only a few understand - but it's to those few who need the nourishment to withstand the world and the weeds.  Every once in a while - someone seeking this nourishment - frustrated with the world and weeds - hears, then sees and then feels the truth - leaves the world and the weeds and becomes one with the Saints."  Simple stuff - not rocket science or brain surgery - just a testimony of the truth - provided for all - as there'll be no excuse that any have not heard - even if they did not listen, see or feel.  Loving all is quite different from anything the world will ever understand.  An Apostle of the Lord Jesus Christ - said, "Soon every knee will bow with none able to stand; better to have learned to bow and pray - before it'll no longer be a choice."  Those who know the Saviors voice know now is the time to bow and on bended knee to pray - be grateful - and love as the Second Great Commandment instructs us to do.

I'm watching about 100 black birds in my back yard - eagerly seeking nourishment - hoping from spot to spot - all taking off at the same time - then returning landing at about the same time - this occurs from time to time - one wonders how they know to return - maybe it's the same way we know the road to Zion - but many only check it out from time to time.  c/ork

"To Hear, To See, To Feel"


Softly the rain falls
tapping slow upon all
awakenly it calls
the few in awe;

Violent the thunder
rumbling in anger
seemingly to blunder
warning of danger;

Lightning strikes oft
trees reaching the skies
undergrowth to scoff
not so very wise;

To hear not a choice
to see not is blind
to feel not the voice
to all now to remind;

Every knee to bow
none to be excepted
the garden to plow
the weeds rejected.

Copyright © 2018 – cji