July 26, 2014

"Parallel Parking"

“Parallel Parking”



Given how eager to lead
thus having others follow
forgotten about the yoke
allowing for neither option
no longer to remember
parallel parking a trap
each in the driving test
either pulling behind
or pushing on ahead
not using the blinker
and failing the test!)


Each Sabbath Day begun
kneeling and in prayer
acknowledging the LORD
imploring our gratefulness
asking for advice and aid
seeking not to be alone
then rising into the world
forgetting again the yoke

seeking to lead or follow!


So many marriage begun
equally yoked at alters
except when rising done
having made vows to obey
making then one to follow
and striving to be leading
no longer reverent found
back into the worldly mode
vacant promises to stray!


Parallel parking to learn
begun as children young
treated unequally by most
sharing no yoke known
either to seek to lead
or left as others to follow
pulling ahead to park
or hiding behind to stay!


As in mortal marriages
entwined only in time
‘till death do ye part’
thus already in divorce
yoke already broken
bickering started
infidelity envisioned
worldly images viewed
devaluing one’s spirit
taking away the feeling
between truth and lies!


Quietly trying to deny
ever failing this test
always using the blinker
remembering the yoke
prayers said earlier
again thankful at night
on bended knees to be
tears of gratefulness
asking another chance
to awaken tomorrow!


Again to communicate
sometimes with signals
most times with words
vacantly a lost thought
of where we’ve come
why we are here today
someday where to go
predicated on passing
this mortal probation!


Marriage is supposed eternal
Scriptures repeatedly saying
Prophets of old and this day
purposes of Temples built
until given to make changes
destroying the reasons
stolen and abused then
while again restored today
rejecting truth for lies
most fail to seek the why
so much has been lost
a failure to communicate
forgetting signals given
family/marriage eternal!


Parallel parking a reason
forgetfulness to embrace
prayers said in reverence
calling upon the LORD
imploring and pleading
some to go forth obeying
honoring the Sabbath Day
others quickly turning away
no longer equally yoked
again having failed the test!)

Copyright © 2014 – cji

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