July 6, 2014

"Daughters of Heavenly Father - to Honor and Love"

“Daughters of Heavenly Father – to Honor and Love”

cji 7/7/14

Over time and many millennia ravages have taken place to the value of both human life and to the ideas of morality, virtue, honesty, trust, and other of the good qualities reference by Paul in the Scriptures. Worst of all is the ravages against the precious daughters of Heavenly Father. What used to be the paradigm of character – rising all to a higher standard is now only worse than that of enslavement by the world’s current population. In many nations women are worse than slaves in their confinement to the most ridiculous laws and standards. Many of these are unrighteous nations ruled by tyrants and clerics who’ve no comprehension of their value to Heavenly Father. While in the learned nations of the world women are nothing more than equitant to the lusts of both men and other women. Instead of being honored in motherhood, home-makers (when possible), wives of honor (see Proverbs 31:10-33) – they’ve become as spoken of by Isaiah in Chapter 3!

There was a revolution for women’s rights within the US and other nations – until any vestige of rights put them in a worse state than prior to such a revolution. It is now considered this was a Sexual Revolution and righteousness lost! Instead of raising the bar of honor and respect for women it has only de-elevated them to the level of men! Indeed, this revolution had taken on such force and stature that the Commands of God are totally and fully ignored by the majority of the population of both learned nations and illiterate nations. There are exceptions where the morality of the world are neither tolerated nor allowed into these same nations. However, these nations are in the minority even more so today.

One cannot open a magazine – watch a television program – see billboards or ads – listen to music or go to a movie without being exposed to the pervasiveness of human depravity as the now accepted norm of our society. In the 1980’s I taught a college class on Advertising – and its impact to get potential customers to use their products. One part of the class was to look at the sexual content of advertising – in that the 1970’s and 1980’s were the biggest of the Women’s Liberation Movement – and what was found were some ads in especially women magazines were pornographic so much so that most all of the class were astonished at what they saw. This was over 30 years ago and everything since then has been on a downhill slide.

Now what has been said above is nothing new or unknown! As most know ‘sex education’ with or without parental permission is taught in elementary school – more so in middle school and not at all needed in high school or college. 5th and 6th graders can get free birth control devices without doing anything more than picking them out of a box/envelop. Thus, immoral sexual behavior is now the accepted norm for 10 year olds and older (and in some cases younger). Pedophiles are on the increase – child and date rape is on the rise – indeed what was once consider rape is now considered consensual relationships. Role models in our society get away with sexual violations – not because they didn’t do them but because they’ve the money and MSM to support them. Women who’re violated are more afraid now to come forward than any time in history. And those who do in many cases have been found to be lying to make it even worse on those innocent who’ve been attacked.

In our society – it would seem everyone has boyfriends and girlfriends but very few have wives or husbands. Currently those who parade their sexuality (forbidden in the Scriptures) have the courts of law fully supporting them and indeed have brought their choices and forced them on the public (including our very young to view). Again none of this in new information – or even shocking to anyone – it is all accepted – much like cheating on exams – lying – breaking one’s word – running stop signs – speeding – drinking and driving – all accepted norms in our society.

·         However, none of the above is accepted in Heavenly Father’s society – keeping the Commandments – all of them and there are more than just ten – is the only key to enter back into His presences (John 14 – and multiple other verses in Scripture). Each must remember if one keeps not all of the Commandments of God – then they’ve chosen to rebel against him! When one understands the sexual sin is next to that of murder – then the magnitude of what has been taking place might bring up a vivid picture to one’s mind. “Whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery* in his heart: Matt. 5:28; (Would this not equally apply to women?).” (* while adultery is most often considered between a person and another’s spouse – this is not the limitation on the word – but any sexual relationship outside of the legal bonds of marriage – and indeed there are many other forms of adultery in the Scriptures.) So often the world teaches one to justify their actions to the point they forget what they are justifying and begin to see everything as acceptable. Breaking even the least of the Commandments (Matthew 5:21) “…and teach others to do the same – shall in no wise be saved in the kingdom of heaven…”

Therefore we can see the eternal effects of our violations of the Commandments – yet there is more to be understood – and that is the tender and loving spirits of the daughters of Heavenly Father. Whereas some consider it in good humor to jest or tease in less than desirable subjects around these precious daughters – they are indeed offending the Father and the Son – in doing such. Tender spirits – naïve to the worldly ways and thinking – are like tender shoots which when even lightly stepped upon can be gravely injured. The righteous woman is not to be trifled with in any manner – but to be treated as one of Father’s precious daughters and if the Father were present!

Some wonder how feelings and be hurt or feel pain. One time I was standing in a Church foyer and overheard some murmuring – this murmuring struck me to the heart – I was saddened all over by what they were talking about and got away to where I could no longer have to listen to them. They were talking of the Lord’s anointed – and thus are the righteous women on this earth today the Lord’s anointed.

As most of this would appear to be directed to men – it is indeed directed to both men and women! We’ve a wicked world – and one must listen, hear, feel and thus act to become repentant and thus to return to full obedience to the Commandments of God. This isn’t anything to do because I’ve said this – but the Savior, Prophets, Apostles and Disciples have all said this. Seemingly most find if they don’t read and understand the Scriptures on their own – then their sins are on those who teach them week to week – and not upon themselves. This is wrong! And sadly for most dead wrong in the Plan of Salvation – yes each is saved by the Atonement – but that is only the beginning. There are many degrees (or kingdoms) to which each will be found after this mortal probation – but only one Celestial Kingdom where families will reside with bodies of flesh and bone – once more in the presence of the Father and the Son.

Daughters of Heavenly Father – are the leaders to help lift their husbands, fathers, brothers, sons to a higher level – through their righteousness – and if we in anyway support the worldly we are destroying these daughters. Let us be found rather in lifting – being obedient in all things – honoring and loving these daughters and thus honoring Heavenly Father and the Saviors sacrifice for us. In the name of Jesus Christ – amen – c/ork

“To Honor and Love”


To honor and love Father
we must also honor all
created by Him and his Son
showing a pure love eternal
especially for His daughters
our Mothers, Sisters, Wives
Daughters, Granddaughters
indeed all women in the world
treating them as if He were here
watching over our own actions
what words we speak and how
for to honor and love is for all
showing eternal respect
understanding the keys held
while in mortal probation
to honor and love Father!

Copyright © 2014 – cji

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