December 30, 2012

“Some Thoughts on Chaos” cji 12/30/12


“Some Thoughts on Chaos” cji 12/30/12


Just one excerpt, from the section called Disaggregating and Dispiriting:

The ruling class is keener to reform the American people’s family and spiritual lives than their economic and civic ones. In no other areas is the ruling class’s self-definition so definite, its contempt for opposition so patent, its Kulturkampf so open. It believes that the Christian family (and the Orthodox Jewish one too) is rooted in and perpetuates the ignorance commonly called religion, divisive social prejudices, and repressive gender roles, that it is the greatest barrier to human progress because it looks to its very particular interest — often defined as mere coherence against outsiders who most often know better. Thus the family prevents its members from playing their proper roles in social reform. Worst of all, it reproduces itself.


How often do we hear that the silent majority is just that silent? Afraid to speak up – write to editors – say the right thing at the wrong time in public – until this silent majority is now enslaved by those who they allowed to seize power over them. Too many for too long have remained quietly observing and at the same time this silence is taken for acceptance of the social reform which is destroying our nation. (note: this happens in any nation where silence is the answer to those who design to rule over them un-righteously.)  Once silenced in the public arena – then become silent in their homes, schools, churches and other personal encounters. Thus the silent allow others to control their thinking and thus their lives.


“2 Nephi 32:8 Many are now being taught not to pray – to feel – or listen to another who might have something of value to share. In addition, many are taught they no longer need to study, ponder and learn more of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. In the Scriptures only one side advocates not praying - 8 And now, my beloved brethren, I perceive that ye ponder still in your hearts; and it grieveth me that I must speak concerning this thing. For if ye would hearken unto the Spirit which teacheth a man to pray, ye would know that ye must pray; for the evil spirit teacheth not a man to pray, but teacheth him that he must not pray.”


Throughout the Old and New Testament this issue of prayer is addressed in a similar manner many times. Only the adversary teaches, tells, instructs or in any other way have us not to pray, not to feel, and not to seek understanding of what another teaches in the eternal realm – rather than just the mortal/worldly way.  Apply this same reasoning to the Governments of today in most nations including the US. Entitlements are the same as not praying – for if you vote for me I’ll take care of you – which excuses any religious practice teaches. Each time we take one more apple – one more dollar – a new car – a home without a mortgage (for another will pay it for you). And it always seems those who’ve no God – are really doing quite well – which of course fulfills much of what the Scriptures teach.  The worldly will always look good – they use make-up – bright lights – and have sold their souls to the adversary without fear of the consequences. Their own ministers tell them it is okay – and many of those profess being in the ministry are found to sin more than thought. Then taking advantage of their clerical positions of righteousness they continue on their way. 


It is difficult to explain to someone the importance of living in obedience to all of God’s commandments – while their own clergy do not! The most corrupted commandment of God is that of keeping the Sabbath Day holy.  Sports – day off from work – yard work – movies – video games – and so much more gaining the attention of most.  The world now calls the Ten Commandments – suggestions – but never mind any penalties for either all are saved or all are part of the evolution religion which says there is nothing after this life. Either way it doesn’t matter – just don’t commit murder in a state with the death penalty.  Without the death penalty one can always hope for an acquittal – free room and board in the jails and prisons of our nation and at most those who’ve tremendous power and influence nothing at all.  Murder takes into account the shedding of innocent blood – would this be considered in rape?


Therefore with indifferent leadership who are selfish, parasites, who demand from others what they themselves, are exempted.  Our federal government is so skewed away from the Constitution (a divinely inspired document) that they don’t even follow the proper order of the business in the guidebook. The executive ignores congress – congress ignores the citizens – the citizens are mostly found at the mall.  The Supreme Court now rules politically and no longer based on the Constitution. (Almost every recent issue in front of the Court – is voted on party lines and Constitutional lines.)


Let’s understand the average income after retirement for most of American’s is less than $50,000 – this includes pensions, savings, social security and many have more than one retirement.  Yet if could serve one term in Congress – you get $174,000 for life – and whatever other incomes you’ve set aside. The disparity was what the Founding Father’s wanted to avoid but it just continues to be the greed that wins.  The Executive Branch just gave Congress a raise as well as the Executive Branch. We’re looking at a financial disaster and they’re still lining their pockets – taxing the working citizenry while exempting themselves. 


Other things are going on beyond the destruction of family, homes and religious beliefs – and that is of who are running our nation into the ground. How can a person who committed treason be nominated for Secretary of State?  But it’s been done in the US by our current administration! How can a known felon be President – or Attorney General – or hold positions of trust in Judgeships - Cabinet seats – and in so many more highly appointed positions.  We’ve known Muslims in our Homeland Defense and other position – one’s who support Jihad and terrorism – and the list could continue.  We’ve those in our nation’s leadership who in their writings or talks basically hate the US and what it stands for. Anyone remember the comment, “All this for a damn flag?”


Currently the poverty level is described by receiving less that $5000 per year or about $14.00 a day in a household.  Yet a welfare recipient by merely having as many children as they want can receive upwards of $1500 a month (or $18,000 per year per child – not including what they receive).  This is all tax free – and includes free medical and food stamps – school breakfast and lunches and other benefits which everyone else has to pay – not only themselves but for those receiving these benefits. More and more and more screams the illegal aliens – those who want not to work – and consider having babies their profession. This is the continuing seed of increasing Chaos.  If one looks at the trial balloon floated a couple of years ago in England where they announced that welfare benefits were going to be cut in 2014 – those on welfare rioted and caused some general damage – which was worth well over what they’re receiving.


Those in the US took notice. What did they do in the US? The Federal government began stock-piling weapons and ammunition while attempting to disarm the American Citizens. They’ve even sought the help of the UN in doing this confiscation of weapons. (Note: If anyone studies history they’ll remember in the very early 1950’s the US was warned. Ezra Taft Benson had warned the President of the US that the sole purpose of the UN was to disarm America!)


How many understand the set-up of the UN – they’ve a Security Council where five nations have permanent seats: China, France, England, Russia, and the US. There are other seats which change from time to time so all nations will be represented on the Security Council. The voting requires a majority vote to be passed by the five permanent members. Think of it we’ve been involved in several UN actions where two of the five nations were providing aid and comfort to the nation that were being fought against.  The Chinese had hundreds or thousands combatants in the North Korean lines – many infected with contagious diseases – and most without bullets or guns.  Why?  The idea was to run the allied/UN positions out of ammo thus allowing them to overcome our positions!  In Vietnam it was the same story over again with the exception that those in our nation supposedly leading the nation were gaining financially every day of the conflict. Further our troops had to have permission to return fire and two prominent Americans (I use this term loosely – very loosely) gave aid and comfort to the enemy – one in visiting the nation (and our President put in a ceasefire with the UN) and the other shamefully degrading our troops on national TV. (Note: this same treasoness person ran for President of the US – even admitting he killed (murdered) babies and mothers.)  Now our current President puts him up for Secretary of State – adding insult and salt to our nation’s integrity and values.


How else have they responded additionally to buying ammo and weapons? The building of large buildings surround by high-tech security – which have all the appearance of holding areas or prisons? Further the constant threat against law abiding American Citizens of Martial Law! They’ve had classes for training an internal military-like organization which comes directly under the President of the US.  The current administration knows that those who have been brought up to hate the white man and America will eventually take to the streets again as in the 60’s and 70’s!  They need a trigger – and they’ve had some sparks but so far no ignition point. Usually these sparks come from ‘hate crime’ of whites against blacks – as there is no spark when it is blacks against whites.  It would appear that the goal is always greater chaos – not less. Inflammation of old wounds – not allowed to heal – holding the selective racism card – which has Jessie Jackson and Al Sharpton leading the choir over and over again totally opposite of what Martin Luther King stood for and most likely why he was killed/murdered.


Would enslavement is the goal of those like G. Soros and others – they want a world government run by the wealthy.  Anyone who’s studied the Golden Isles Clan and followed the history of the 20th Century in America know that the total control of our government is now in the hands of who has the most money! We’re held in bondage to two illegal organizations – IRS and Federal Reserve Bank (which is most likely the reason for the killing/murder of JFK, as he was going to buy out the Federal Reserve (which the Government can do – there’s a fixed price written into the Federal Reserve Act) and putting the nation back on the Gold Standard.

Total chaos is not the goal but the chaotic confusion which leads many or most to begin to act totally irrationally.  The sparks are fed by our MSM – and others – but when truth is not printed in the MSM – or told about on their news channels – then this is deliberately done to mislead our nation for their gain and those who the worship –i.e. liberalism.  MSM forgets that when their master has his/her desire met then they will become expendable – and their souls which once were sold – are now with guidance or substance.  Let’s take the most recent example – the killing of those in Connecticut – it would appear the media has lied to the nation all along! Anyone who listens to the various police ‘verbal communications’ (which are all documented) – there were four shooters involved. The 20 year shot himself in the back of the head with a rifle in the trunk of his car – and so the lies to our nation continue.  The theater shooting was the same only one known involved but totally strange the playing out of the scenario. One might want to ask what happened to the other three who were dressed in standard SWAT gear after their capture by the police. 


Chaos has many definitions but mostly to create a situation where it appears no one has control of what is happening.  This was what was said of the Watt’s Riots in the media – but it wasn’t that way – it was organized beforehand waiting for the ignition and spark. A person had gotten into an accident – was being severely taken to task by his mother – the police arrived to the reported accident – and were going to arrest the person involved in the accident. The mother over-reacted – and thus the conditions were met for violence and the key to the Watt’s riots was engaged. It lasted weeks and not just a day or so  - why because planned intervention by those waiting on these conditions to appear.


Think about the major championships in our sporting events – the riots in the cities of the two teams playing are organized in advance – even to the point the losing teams fans riot as well. Did they really – or were they egged on by instigators to become violent?  In so many instances stores are carefully looted – some are burned (keeps the violence going) – and within a day to three days everything quiets down. The students have no loot – so who took it and where did they go?


How to bring these thoughts to an end is important.  We’ve discussed government, the UN, rioting, killing/murders, misrepresentation by our MSM, felons, clergy, evolution, welfare, fraud, and most importantly three other areas; Family, Home and Religion! Each of the above elements is set for the destruction of the family, home and religion – from government to fraud. The rights of the individual guaranteed by the Constitution have been violated overwhelmingly by our government and agitators.  Our military is in isolation – by having known of the total disregard for their safety by their own government. We’ve as law abiding citizens have had our faces slapped repeatedly and insulted by the acts of those who lead our nation (either party). Those who are worldly, criminals, illegal aliens, terrorist (the Jihad type), race against race promoters are applauded by our government.  Those who are honest citizens are spit upon and Veterans of our military are labeled as the terrorists. (Note: at the time of the Russian Revolution – it was Trotsky who labeled the two sides – calling his the majority.)  


Now any who’ve been following these divergent thoughts will realize I left out; to Pray, to Feel and to Listen.  Also the inclusion of the Commandments of God to be fully (totally) obeyed.  This is what the righteous must do – they must open their minds and hearts to promptings of the Spirit of Light within themselves.  They must get down on their knees and pray for what they individually must do, remembering they must return reading and studying their Scriptures and in many cases cut out the middleman whose lessons come from books and creeds. We’ve to learn to cultivate the love and understanding in our own homes – with our children and loved ones. We’ve to put on the whole armor of God! (Note: regardless of which church or religion you believe to be true.)  President Spencer W. Kimball has counseled, “Put on the full armor of God. Attend to your personal and family prayers and family devotions; keep holy the Sabbath; live strictly the Word of Wisdom; attend to all family duties; and above all, keep your life clean and free from all unholy and impure thoughts and actions. Avoid all associations which degrade and lower the high, righteous standards set up for us. Then your life will sail smoothly and peace and joy will surround you.”"full+armor+of+god"


Most importantly we’ve to learn for ourselves that which true and of God and that which is not! Our eternal progression (see the writings of Paul and others) depends on what we do – and not another. We are responsible for understanding the truths in the Gospel of Jesus Christ – and these are not found in the Creeds of men/women – or in Greek Philosophy (from which the Creeds originate) and/or the schools which teach these creeds.  We’ve to get out our Bibles – hopefully one which hasn’t be revised too much – most Bibles prior to 1880 have retained the writings and translations of William Tyndale and come closest to the original Aramaic/Greek texts. We’ve to discern what it is that Heavenly Father wants us to do in our lives. This comes from the two great commandments – which say, “To love.”  The first is with the Father and the Son – the second is with all of our neighbors (everyone outside of ourselves) and then also we’ve to love ourselves – respect ourselves.  With these two commandments are found all the truths of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  If we honorably live these two commandments we will found in obedience to all of the Commandments, Laws and Statutes of the Lord!


Chaos comes about and is kept alive by hate and the promoters of not praying, not feeling and not listening to truth. They accept the rhetoric from the pulpits of their own beliefs – found in rhetoric and Greek Philosophy. Those who worship at the altar of evolutions have no need to even think about anything after this life – because for them there is nothing.  Thus the chaotic illusions are enhanced and professed in the way many act or more important choose to react towards others and self-discipline in their lives and homes.


Those who’ve declined the invitation by believing all they have to do is be saved have indeed cut themselves off from the blessings of eternal life and salvation.  Oh they’ll be saved for all who’ve ever lived on this earth will be saved because of the Atonement of Jesus Christ. Being saved is the easy part – but earning a place in the Celestial Kingdom is the other and fullness of the Gospel Gifts available to all – but earned by only a few in mortality.


Our government and those who own our government want power and absolute power to them and not to the people. What’s most interesting about the leader of the bands of chaos is China. The Chinese Government believes in unrestricted warfare and will fund both sides to keep wars going. They play the game of ‘Go’ and ultimately feel they’ll be the king of the mountain which requires chaos in the US.  The US is the only nation on the face of this earth which is keeping them from over-running the world with their military.  Much like the tours of Santa Clause on Christmas Eve – they’ve learned they don’t even have worry about some nations.  Actually MacArthur taught them this in WWII – when he bypassed many islands on his way to Japan.


There will be no peace in this world (as stated in the Bible) – and thus continued warfare and chaos will continue to grow.  However, one can only find the peace within themselves knowing with surety that Jesus is the Christ – He Atoned for our sins and in his resurrection removed Spiritual Death from the world – as incurred by Adam and Eve in the Garden so many millennia ago.  That all that Jesus did He did in the name of the Father – therefore there is a Heavenly Father separate from the Savior – and when He left this earth with a body of flesh and bones – He left the Holy Ghost for those who were His disciples and apostles.  There are three separate and distinct members of the God-Head – two the Father and the Son have gained their physical bodies which is made more than clear in the reading of the Bible and other Scriptures. That they are all united in what they believe and teach – thus the oneness – as we who are married strive for as Commanded in Genesis 2:24: “Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.”

And in Nephi 28:10 “and ye shall be even as I am, and I am even as the Father; and the Father and I are one.  And in Abraham 5:18 Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife, his wife, and they shall be one flesh.

Can we obey and understand these commandments – marriage was never intended to end with the death of one or the other of the wife or husband – but to be eternal. This marriage of Adam and Eve occurred in the Garden before they fell – it was eternal marriage – for forever! Ponder the Scriptures – this will become even clearer when on reads 1 Peter 3:7Likewise, ye husbands, dwell with them according to knowledge, giving honour unto the wife, as unto the weaker vessel, and as being heirs (referring to Celestial Marriage) together of the grace of life; that your prayers be not hindered.”


We’ve so much to learn in spite of the worldly and chaos which surrounds us with noise and confusion. We’ve to learn to discern the promptings of the Spirit as they come in whispered feelings; and sometimes when we really to know as ‘clear voice’ as if someone was speaking to you. May we each strive to be all we can be – understanding what is going on around us – and not become mental midgets in Satan’s plan to rob us of our agency in any way he can.  We are all Children of our Heavenly Father – making us Brothers and Sisters to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Any other relationship or belief is adopted from the creeds of men/women and of the adversary. 


May we each pray – for that which is good inside or ourselves and in others (all) as we seek to return to our heavenly home – away from the chaos and confusion this world!  I testify to each of you who read of the truthfulness of the Restored Gospel – that Jesus is the Christ – that He lives and because He does we can too after this mortal probation in the Celestial glories with He and His Father.  In the name of Jesus Christ – amen – c/ork


“Chaotic Goals”





Self-serving among the worldly

entitlements to ensure slavery

hatred and racism to stir the pot

inviting confusion and chaos

threatening those who abstain

disregarding laws and truths

paying pelf to all who follow

chaotic goals of the selfish!



Copyright © 2012 – cji

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