June 21, 2012

"To Understand"

Even more interesting is a hint dropped by Origen:
Clement, the disciple of the Apostles, recalls those whom the Greeks designate as antichthonians [dwellers on the other side of the earth], and other parts of the earth's sphere [or circuit] which cannot be reached by anyone from our regions, and from which none of the inhabitants dwelling there is able to get to us; he calls these areas "worlds" when he says: "The Ocean is not to be crossed by men, but those worlds which lie on the other side of it are governed by the same ordinances [lit. dispositions] of a guiding and directing God as these."49
Here is a clear statement that the earliest Christians taught that there were people living on the other side of the world who enjoyed the guidance of God in complete isolation from the rest of the world. Origen knows of mysterious knowledge that was had among the leaders of the Primitive Church but was neither divulged by them to the general public nor passed on to the general membership, and this includes the assurance that there were people living on the other side of the world who enjoyed the same divine guidance as themselves in a state of complete isolation.
“To Understand”


So much truth is available
withheld from the public
denied access to writing
forbidden to be so read
dangerous paths to tread
political reality of infighting
as in the old Greek republic
information lost invaluable;

Do we ever want to know
with knowledge to learn
to learn is to thus discern
and able in truth to grow;

All of it is already there
everything one to need
questions unanswered
mysteries all to solve
everyone all to resolve
full access to a hansard
to understand and heed
too many not to share!

Copyright © 2012 – cji

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