July 23, 2017

"Hope You're Wrong" (short essay)

“Hope You’re Wrong”


The best of all planning
is to seek the worst
or the best result possible
and to plan on the middle
but this is neither best/worst
this is the handwriting
clearly stated top to bottom
‘destroy the Constitution’
Socialism is the goal
world government cartels
king of the mountain terms
hoping I’m wrong doesn’t fly
for all the Prophets are right
and all prophecies will be
and we best be prepared!

Copyright © 2017 – cji

In a correspondence with a friend we’ve discussed the ‘knock out’ punch Soro’s and the left are trying to achieve within our nation – i.e. destroying the Constitution, liberty, freedoms, wanting only a world government or of absolute chaos leaving only them in control. President Trump has put them in a destructive mood as he’s the first and only president since John Adams (and possibly his son) who understands the meaning of this nation and the Constitution – the law of the land – prompted by Heavenly Father and our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We each must understand this is war – between good and evil – and many on the side of good have no clue of the stakes involved. Our nation was almost destroyed by the last several administration – starting with 1900 with control of media and wealth. Many of the president’s for the 1800’s were political choices and with very few exceptions – John Quincy Adams; James Monroe; James Madison; Thomas Jefferson and Abraham Lincoln the few! With the possible exception of Ronald Reagan in the 20th Century. And he had to take George Bush as his VP or would’ve never been elected. So for over most of the years of our nation we’ve had elite politicians running the show with those with money paying their fare. Today it’s Soro’s among others the Clintons and now whoever Barrack Obama is/was to carry us to into this chaos! California and the Sanctuary cities – the illegal aliens – the druggies – gangs – and corrupt lustful entitled selfish voters who voted for both Obama and Clinton are carrying us as quickly as they can into this chaos. Those who’re denying God to salvage their churches/incomes – are now leading a different parade into the fray – feeding again the needs of the parasites found in our nation. Who leads them? The same as always since the days of Cain – even in the preexistence he led the war against the Eternal Plan of Salvation. This is the adversary – satan – Lucifer – the father of lies and confusions – the one who introduced philosophy into religion – demeaning the Scriptures – denying that there may be any others – only his revisions/editions (over 57,000 now). The one who burned children at the stake when first the Bible was first surfacing to the common populations.

With all of the above better judgment tells me satan will not give up without a death struggle. Well we know he (satan) has 65million plus in the US - for starters as his minions - he'll only need to struggle with a very small % of the population as he's most denying the literalness of the Holy Bible - other Scriptures and almost an unknown % who've been sealed for time and all eternity by one having the proper authority from the Savior via his Prophet's here on earth today. This authority cannot be granted by state or federal government - colleges or universities - or schools of divinity. He only has to worry about those who've an outside chance of gaining the Celestial Kingdom to live with the Father and the Son with physical bodies of flesh and bone - and today there are very few who believe this or are even taught this. Thus we’ve those who neither believe in God – and those who deny the Constitution; care not for freedoms/liberties and feel entitled to whatever someone else has without conscious. Those who read this understand what is being said – it’ll depend on those who’ll stand up and not give up – and not be surprised. Understanding this is trial and tribulation time – time to take a stand – we’re at war and going to the mall isn’t going to help!

Thus the comments from my friend – ‘hope you’re wrong’ and ‘hope it isn’t too late!’

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