December 30, 2017




‘If you’ve to say something
suggest you just say it’
which is so many hid behind
rhetorical spiel as politicians
as Greek rhetoricians of old
‘not what you say, how you say it’
thus we’ve the idea to sell
sell anything as long as they buy
which we endured for 28 years
charismatic junkies of government
leading us to where in America
trillions in debt and loss of freedoms
larger government with less
illegal elections repeated
media in shame of pelf
selling the party line
world government always
disarm America primary
packaged, wrapped, bows
perfumed, embroidered
spiel of shame remorse
swallowed with the canned
only now with maybe hope
a breath of fresh air here
to promote God’s law
once more in this land!

Copyright © 2017 – cji

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