May 27, 2018

"Eternal Marriage" (an short essay)

We live in a Godless society could mean many things – when churches teach Plato and rhetorical philosophy – rather than the Scriptures allowing their memberships to proclaim the love of God and his only begotten Jesus the Christ (who they proclaim a 3 in 1 and 1 in 3 – without body parts or passions) and where none but their followers will be able to be saved (which they cannot explain fully). None of which can be found in the Scriptures. Then they teach when marriage ends with death – they’re not reading the same Bible I’ve read since the age of 11. Plato proclaimed the current creeds of almost all of the world churches – at the poet Channing Pollock wrote in 1937 – about his Aunt Jane, Heaven Doesn’t Matter:  Shall we like her, or ourselves, as disembodied spirits? I’ve never thought of myself as a materialist, but the things I’ve enjoyed all seem to have required body and mind. . . .
In the resurrection, there is to be no marriage nor giving in marriage—and that’s a big drawback, too. Personally, I can’t conceive a heaven without it. My own ego is so inextricably blended with that of my wife, and my own happiness has been so long part of hers. Nor would it help much to be vaguely associated with her in spirit. Married life is made up of so many physical and mental contacts, of so many shared fears and hopes, sorrows and joys, pains and comforting’s that both of us, and millions of other wives and husbands, couldn’t help missing terribly in any conceivable resort of souls. [Reader’s Digest, 30 (January 1937):23]
It would seem to me anyone who teaches this forgot about God and the Plan of Salvation. Robert Burns wrote about the same thing – as have many others – but the churches go on teaching ‘til death do us part’ or hemming and hawing similar ideas. 

Throughout my life after reading the Bible I was convinced that marriage was for time and all eternity – and I could imagine never being without Joyce and my extended family. It would more than any hell I could imagine. Who can imagine being without their lifelong companion? Being without their progenitors – their children and grandchildren – it makes no sense! But that is what is taught and one wonders who so few understand the truth between what they’re taught in schools or churches and what they can read in the Scriptures.

But I’ve written over and over – documented and provided the invitation to all – and again so few take the time.

I’m going to offer a challenge to all – take the time to read one page from Isaiah/James/Revelations and one page from the Book of Mormon. Or better one chapter from each – maybe twenty (20) minutes of your time. And see what common sense says to you.

“Eternal Marriage”


What is this life about
eternal families all
the Scriptures replete
then why the godless
endlessly preach
otherwise teach
so much forever less
the Scriptures delete
giving satan’s call
to all the world shout!

Copyright © 2018 – cji

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