July 6, 2011

"Environment Insane"

We live in a not quite insane environment – we all came here knowing the trials we were to face would be difficult – a refiners fire – to see if we can endure to the end! As Abraham was tested so will we each in a different way – but no less severe. The Plan of Salvation is not for the weak kneed. Indeed – if one reads the creeds of men/women everything seems insane – however, the Scriptures are true – literally (even amid the various editing men/women have done to them). Enough is left for someone in sincere prayer to make sense and understanding. However, depending on which church one belongs – depends on what they are told to believe!

A minister/priest/rabbi/cleric/etc. cannot vary from what they profess to obey and agree to – i.e. their man/woman made creeds. One needs to be careful what those creeds say – as many of the above ministers, etc. can do or say what they want and perform ceremonies which differ from their creeds – but without any authority. Thus whatever they seal or otherwise perform on this earth – will not go beyond this earth – the Scriptures are quite clear on this – even if Satan tells everyone not to be concerned. c/ork

“Environment Insane”


Selfishly people ignoring
satisfying their own needs
going at reckless speeds
pain and evil exploring;

Following Satan’s lead
the Scriptures twisting
agency so insisting
truths never to heed;

Environment insane
where found chaos
so living in pathos
much to their bane!

Copyright © 2011 – cji

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