January 8, 2011

"So Much So"

From a friend in response to one of my writing efforts:
“Too often we let moments go by that could have blessed others just by using those very words, I love you. It's a myth that the phrase is overused. It's so very sad that we sometimes turn around and that person who we love is gone and because we didn't take that moment in time to express what is in our heart, we carry regret and sadness with us the rest of our days.”

Actually my friend – this isn’t or doesn’t have to be the case! A General Authority at a funeral commented that for those who wish to say what they’d left unsaid to now say it – for the person was right there. For the righteous the veil is always thin – thus we can talk with those who we’ve known and loved while in mortality. In addition they know our pure thoughts about them – but would guess they’re very busy on the other side - so much so – that we’ve to initiate any conversations. Too many send a message and then refuse to listen or to stay in tune with the Spirit. We’ve never lost a loved one – for we’ve always the memories, lessons learned and most especially the friendship. Most importantly we’ve the Temple Sealing for time and all eternity. Regret and sadness is for those who’ve chosen to live without the fullness of the Gospel in their mortal probations. Those who prefer the logismoi of the world – over the Gnosis of the Father and the Son – the Scriptures or the promptings of the Holy Ghost as a constant companion. c/ork

“So Much So”


The literal truths
within the Gospel
rejected my many
showing disbelief
in proclaiming belief
leaves one lonely
without great hope
thus rejecting faith
refusing charity
(the Love of the Savior)
limiting their potential
to the will of others
so much so
life is without
and never warm
of feelings within!

Copyright © 2010 – cji

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