August 1, 2017

"Repeal the 17th Amendment"

Hi All – Direct election of Senators is what put us in this mess America (run by elitist’s)  – i.e. big money paying for the Senate! It was one of the biggest steps in an Oligarchy and therefore Socialism. Being appointed by the states made them accountable to their electorate. i.e. the Governors and elected representatives of the state which equalizes the urban areas. So actually they would be one step closer to direct participation which the Founding Father’s knew. I’ve studied this long and hard – since the passing of the 17th Amendment we’ve become subservient to the wealthy and the large urban areas – again popular vote gives us people like McClain and the idiots from Chicago/New York while those like the Clinton couldn’t change states – this was the beginning of the end.

The 17th Amendment was pushed by the wealthy as a way to control the one arm of Congress they had no control over. Thus they could control the House and the White House which they’d well documented in previous elections. Thus the Senate was their key to an Oligarchy – then to a one world government run by the wealthy. These plans were established in the Golden Isles in the 1880’s. They found they could easily control the WH – and with Wilson they’d solidified that aspect. The House was easier with the urban syndrome – with delegates based on population density. The party caucus controlled everyone who ran especially in the larger urban areas – even to the gerrymandering of the districts. The Courts they felt they could manipulate once the Senate (as we can see today) was controlled by them. Effectively with the direct election of Senators they had effective control over the government – WH – Congress – Senate and the Courts in an indirect way.

In the 1913 election by playing TR off of Taft they got their economist from Princeton elected President. 1914 saw the passage of 17th Amendment. By 1921 we’d gone to the FED – from there it’s been all downhill. The Judges were more difficult but with the Senate confirming them one might notice how really good at eliminating the better ones with fake news and hearings where they destroy credibility and then get those we now have on the Court – who have now been loaded with liberals even John Roberts. All have been bought and sold – and BHO made sure embarrassing them in the public theater where he shamed them.

Only Reagan (to a degree) and now Trump are seeking to change the Court back to Constitutional Judges based on skills and not ownership.

The repeal of the 17th Amendment will in part begin giving power back to the people and back to the Constitution and back to the Founding Fathers.  c/ork

“Repeal the 17th


Take America back for good
Remove the elitists for good;

Take away their pelf influence
Take away their affluence;

Repeal the 17th Amendment
Give back Father’s intendment;

Give back the Constitution
Bring back this institution;

Either now or soon never
Either now or soon never!

Copyright © 2017 – cji

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