August 30, 2016

(Intermission) (10) "A Quick Review"

“A Quick Review”
Taught in the pre-existence
choices made to obey Father
or instead to follow Satan
2/3rds received mortality
1/3 only became minions
without bodies or hope
then as an infant to awake
sent with a mission to do
the Plan to fulfill fully
some by age eight
baptized properly
by one having authority
receiving the Holy Ghost
others delaying the time
depending on parents
(or their guardians)
to teach and to love
correct principles all
onward to puberty
then as a teenager
now almost an adult
transcending a window
some on Missions
others in school
some just hanging out
many with a job
those with Baptism
choices critical
those without Baptism
seeking the path
leading to Zion’s road
what’s remembered
too many forgotten
where are we found
at this intermission?
Copyright © 2016 – cji

(To be continued)

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