July 22, 2016

"Defining America"

“Defining America”


Two different opinions
some say it is dead
other’s that still alive
all agree in trouble
too many want too much
unwilling to do anything
one party will give all
other expects some work
we’ve to choose each
the do-nothings want all
given on a silver platter
while those who work
want all to help out
defining America
being done right now
one willing to let die
the other wanting to live
freedom has a heavy cost
interestingly does agency
the adversary long ago
offered all to be saved
(and he’d get the glory)
many followed him
others sat on the fence
while some fought him
the same battle on-going
for without America
there is nothing left
no freedom or agency
this time around
none will be sitting
all will be involved
one following the rules
the other cheating/lying
distorting the truths
denying any Father
and certainly the Son
all will be engaged
the choice to be made
follow the adversary
all get a piece of pie
without effort or work
or all work for the pie
as they are able
choosing to obey
the Commandments
defining America
for the time has come!

Copyright © 2016 – cji

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