November 10, 2015

"Tribute to Honesty"

“Tributes of Honesty”


Reaching into the depths
seeking the past/present
war to war to battle to where
going as a citizen then
coming home a veteran
changed into history
writing and naming
places, times, events
life, death, the extremes
while most in-between
wondering of the why
here or there seeing
beyond the veil or…
just feeling different
unknown emotions
wanting to share with
while most unknown
a veteran is always
having gone somewhere
coming back different
tributes of honesty
“some giving their all
all giving some but all”
carving into the walls
names, places, events
honoring American freedom
honoring World freedom
honoring women and men
throughout history known
with many more unknown
men/women fight wars
going as citizens all
war to war – battle to battle
seeking freedom’s history
reaching the depths of soul!

Copyright © 2015 – cji

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