August 2, 2015

"Who and Does it Matter?"

“Who’s Right – Who’s Wrong – Does it Matter?” cji 8/3/15


In our world of specialization one would guess that too many are using a pin-point pointer instead of the light required to see the whole truth. This is as the Universities and men/women have designed it to be. Compartmentalization – divide and conquer. Religion is a birth right of every child of God – however most adopt out of it for the justification of easy. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints – have worthiness standards which have little in common with the world.


Of course the current administration of the US is attacking hard on the world of religion – understanding it is one of the great barriers to the break down completely of the family. Believing literally in the Bible – and the Commandments puts The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints apart from all of the other man/woman made churches in the world calling themselves Christian – (even to the point the other Christian churches consider them a cult – believing not in Jesus Christ – and thus spreading old wife tales to persuade others the same).  Thus combining the world effort (clergy, media and others) and the current administration – there is little to encourage investigation of what might be true and what is not.


We’ve come here before – of course there is only one church – or none – as Heavenly Father and his Son Jesus Christ are not Gods of confusion/contention – and are unchanging – therefore there can be only one true Church or there can be none which are true (as per the Scriptures). Love being one of the required understandings and covenants between an individual and Heavenly Father and his Son – “If you love me, keep my Commandments!” (all of them). Thus, and this is important – if a church does not consider itself the only true church – led by Prophets and Apostles – with revelations and miracles – then why did they organize and form? Surely if they’re a reformation church – they’re no different than the roots of which they left – if they’re a church of the apostates from the Church of Jesus Christ then they’ve no claims unless and only unless they claim there was no apostasy and therefore no need of a restoration! Yet all of Christian world acknowledges that the Church organized by Jesus Christ was no longer on the earth after the middle of the 2nd Century. Having rejected John – and appointing their own leaders without revelation (saying the heavens are closed) and forming their own social organizations fully understood they’d lost the fullness of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Indeed they fully acknowledged having replaced the literal truth of the Scriptures with the Logismoi of the Greeks and other philosophies mixed with justified scriptures as their gospel.


To which do you belong and to what do they claim? Is it important – to the worldly no – to Heavenly Father – yes! And if the world is wrong – where then will one be at the end? And if the world is correct – there is no church – God is irrelevant – what have I lost? c/ork


“Who and Does It Matter?”





There was a leak in the dyke

the world said it’s okay – it’s small

yet those trying to fix the leak

knew it was not okay and why

soon beyond control flooding

washing away all of the truth

drowned those in its way today

then and now it is the same

there is corruption in the world

the world says it doesn’t matter

for all can partake if they choose

while those who fight against

are a peculiar people – crazy

but does it matter and to who

for both cannot be correct

corruption or righteousness

one Church or many or none

the world says it’s okay – fine

this leak in the dyke of truth!


Copyright © 2015 – cji


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