January 10, 2015

“Pyramid of Religions”


The Great Pyramid Of Cheese

[Charles Hill’s brief post on the Velveeta shortage has prompted me to repost the following highly educational article, which first appeared at Eternity Road on March 17, 2007. --FWP]

On one evening not too long ago, a friend of mine, who has an extensive extended family, was dining with most of them. Included were several pre-teens. The bill of fare was, as is common in their not-particularly-pecunious household, macaroni and cheese.

One of the pre-teens commented on how different the entree tasted to him from "real" macaroni and cheese -- by which he meant, as pre-teens often do, Kraft Macaroni and Cheese. He contrasted my friend's wife's dish unfavorably with the commercial preparation.

An uncle to the clan cleared his throat. "Kevin," he intoned, "you know I sell cheese, don't you?" The youngster nodded. "Well, it's about time you learned about the Great Pyramid of Cheese." And he told them all about it.

It seems that there are places where they make Cheese. The real stuff, straight from the milk, brimming with the odorific and oleaginous virtues that your narrator has found he cannot renounce. And it is good.

Most of it, anyway. Some wheels of cheese just don't turn out right. But they're not thrown away, oh, no. That would be wasteful. They're sold to factors from other shops, which take them in, and melt them down, and add oil, and chemicals, and further processing, and thereby produce... Cheese Food. Cheese Food is regulated by law to contain no more than 49% non-milk additives, and must not contain any but a specified list of preservatives and artificial flavor enhancers. There are people who eat Cheese Food by choice. There are others who are trying to help them.

But some batches of Cheese Food don't come out right either, and they're not thrown away, either. They're sold to factors from other shops, which take them in, and melt them down, and add oil, and chemicals, and further processing, and thereby produce... Process Pasteurized Cheese Food. PPCF is the step down from Cheese Food, and may contain up to 70% non-milk additives, plus a much wider range of flavor and color enhancers, and preservatives that guarantee that it will not spoil over the three months between your toddler's two demands for a grilled cheese sandwich right now, mom!

And not all of this is saleable, either, but (you guessed it) it's not thrown away just for that. The rejected barrels are sold to factors from other shops, which take them in, and melt them down, and add oil, and chemicals, and further processing, and thereby produce... Process Pasteurized Cheese Food Substance. PPCFS may contain up to 82% non-milk additives. The flavor and color are almost entirely chemically produced, and the preservatives in it are reputed to be stronger than formaldehyde. Velveeta was once PPCFS, but has moved up the pyramid to Level 3 (PPCF). Cheez Whiz is PPCFS. A number of people have drawn images of the Blessed Virgin on their basement walls with PPCFS from spray cans, and have made quite a lot of money.

But... that's right. Some of it doesn't meet the standards for retail-saleable PPCFS. The rejected barrels are sold to factors from other shops, which take them in, and melt them down, and add oil, and chemicals, and further processing, and thereby produce...

Well, it doesn't really have a name, and it doesn't need one, either, because all of it is consumed by a single company.

"And Kevin," the uncle rumbled, "would you like to guess what that company is?"

Little Kevin swallowed and shook his head.

"It's the Kraft Company, Kevin."

And I, who have set this tale down for you, have checked it in all particulars, and every word of it is true. And I'm told that little Kevin no longer asks for Kraft Macaroni And Cheese, either.

“Pyramid of Religions”





Religion in it’s pure form is free

Sabbath Day worship required

tithing and fast offerings too

obedience to Commandments

literal and without compromise

one Church-one Baptism too

callings from God sustained

sealing work in His Houses

‘The Holy Temples’ on earth

all is free to the truth seekers;


The next level requires change

taking away of the literalness

editing and deleting Scriptures

denying new revelations/Prophets

claiming authority where none

watering down the obedience

till only found in worldly laws

given by clerics-popes-synods

keeping most of the Commands;


Coming next are the fanatics

declaring join or die infidels

or this is the only way found

men/women not God to lead

changing the truth to rhetoric

defending extremism truly

still claiming to worship God

doing carnage in His name

disregarding Holy Writ all;


Now found are the evangelists

traveling road shows for pelf

appearing on tv or in stadiums

proclaiming only to confess

give me your money to profit

flowing over with showmanship

with intent but without doctrine

mostly Greek philosophy here

changing what doesn’t appeal;


What is found remaining today

bits and pieces of all above

denying new revelations all

rejecting new Scriptures all

proclaiming no need of God

worshiping athletes movie stars

proclaiming God is dead/silent

faith, charity, works unneeded

there is no tomorrow after death;


Thus the pyramid of religions

less than .002% at the top

believing literally Scriptures

believing in more revelations

believing in living Prophets

Apostles and full obedience

finding pure and undefiled

truths of the Father/Son

knowing of Eternal Life;


Then found the rest mixed

somewhere between stacked

non-believers with warm ones

preachers called of men/women

doctrine fabricated to please

some demanding join or die

others claiming any path okay

denying a Father/Son/Holy Ghost

saying without feelings/being;


And the list continues onward

everyday new churches formed

thousands among thousands

and those who claim millions

considered major religions

while denying doctrines all

re-interpreting what they have

till on the Sabbath Day

we’ve mostly by-products;


Thus which is really truth

which makes common sense

fully obeys Commandments

is led by those called of God

have the sealing ordinances

know the Father is one person

the Savior is another person

and the Holy Ghost a third

literally believe the Scriptures;


Having gone this far today

the Sabbath Day pondering

accepting one’s comfort zone

coercing none to obey/follow

allowing each mortal choices

dining upon pure doctrines

or on macaroni and cheese

mortal probation is founded

agency is each’s choice!




Some religions have some

while only one has all

true from the beginning

true today in restoration

thus the 99.998% struggle

rejecting the seeing of angels

that there are living Prophets

rejecting these as false

and thus dismiss the truth!)


Copyright © 2015 – cji

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