January 11, 2015


Mosiah 8:20 O how marvelous are the works of the Lord, and how long doth he suffer with his people; yea, and how blind and impenetrable are the understandings of the children of men; for they will not seek wisdom, neither do they desire that she should rule over them!

21 Yea, they are as a wild flock which fleeth from the shepherd, and scattereth, and are driven, and are devoured by the beasts of the forest.






Blocking out truth in ignorance

blissfully choosing to not know

to be left without leadership

floundering into strangeness

becoming transformed within

feelings placed into storage

coldness as loss of touch

reality of the worldly winning

fleeing and disserting life

impenetrable disobedience

in ignorance blocking truth!


Copyright © 2015 – cji


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