December 15, 2014

“Hearing the Thunder” (The Battle of the Bulge)

“Hearing the Thunder”





One last attempt to escape

artillery – tanks - troops

untrained and veterans alike

Germans told to go forth

against reserves and others

Americans green or tired

expecting nothing this day

awakened honor and valor

the defenders left in chaos

intelligence wrong horribly

some retreating-surrendering

most fighting and holding

thus the Battle of the Bulge

forming like a cancer pocket

uncontained striking for fuel

to split the allies in half

surprise the element had

but standing strong some

fiercely contesting inches

causing delayed disruption

(time was the big factor

goals needing four days)

while fighting continuous

Patton moving the 3rd

Hodges moving the 1st

slowly a defense set

time running out soon

tanks grinding to a halt

no fuel unable to move

costly in lives/prisoners

the last great battle

Germany no longer able

only to retreat-withdraw

defeat inevitable known

108K+ American casualties

almost 20K killed during

massacred at Malmedy

Black’s tortured at Saint-Vith

horrors of war-fare done

some unpunished learned

ending on January 25th

wasted lives amid valor

the Battle of the Bulge

one of the worst ever

involving Americans

remembered by some

unknown to too many

history unable to escape

the most famous answer

called upon to surrender

the Am. Generals’ reply

wrote a one-word note


amid hearing the thunder!



This was the first integrated

battlefront for the Americans

– with some 2000 Blacks

volunteering for the front

yet history fails this to note

in this greatest American battle

where much is made of conflict

now of American vs. American!)


Copyright © 2014 – cji

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