December 31, 2014

"Awaken Within"

Mosiah 2:And these are the words which he aspake and caused to be written, saying: My brethren, all ye that have assembled yourselves together, you that can hear my words which I shall speak unto you this day; for I have not commanded you to come up hither to btrifle with the words which I shall speak, but that you should chearken unto me, and open your ears that ye may hear, and your dhearts that ye may understand, and your eminds that the fmysteries of God may be unfolded to your view.


Mosiah 2:33 For behold, there is a wo pronounced upon him who listeth to aobey that spirit; for if he listeth to obey him, and remaineth and dieth in his bsins, the same drinketh cdamnation to his own soul; for he receiveth for his wages an deverlasting epunishment, having transgressed the law of God contrary to his own knowledge.


Mosiah 2:41 And moreover, I would desire that ye should consider on the blessed and ahappy state of those that keep the commandments of God. For behold, they are bblessed in all things, both temporal and spiritual; and if they hold out cfaithful to the end they are received into dheaven, that thereby they may dwell with God in a state of never-ending happiness. O remember, remember that these things are true; for the Lord God hath spoken it.

“Awaken Within”





Therefore given a new year

once more called to repent

opening hearts, feelings

that the blind might see

the deaf now able to hear

those adrift able to awaken

remembering those found

upon the oceans who sleep

will shortly die in the depths

come to the safe harbor

the Gospel of Jesus Christ

open to the fullness there

literal truths unblemished

needing no interpretations

The Holy Bible- Old and New

Book of Mormon as foretold

each testifying of our Savior

bold, clear, plainness to save

into eternal life so promised

covenanted by the Father

if we come unto him now

with obedience and not fear!


Copyright © 2014 – cji

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