June 20, 2012

"Options" (of Heavenly Father)

“We are out of options. God Bless America.”  Seems most emails or things in America end or comment on this idea of having God Bless America! 

Thus I’ve pondered this much!  Think of it this way – Has Heavenly Father ever blessed anyone who has turned their back on Him?  America – or most of America have turned their back on religion (of any kind) outside of greed, power, lusts, etc. 

Thus I believe the time has come for those who are striving to do good for the right reasons – need to be praying to endure the difficult times still coming!  We need to pray for our loved ones – to be able to endure – we need to be thankful for what we know – and hold to the word of God – the forecast is in the Scriptures – called Prophecy – we’ve a living Prophet today – we’ve the Son’s Church Restored in these latter-days.  Yet most can’t believe what they don’t want to believe – and if one cannot understand something they will not believe it to be true. 

Too much is spent on wasted conversations – contentions and a refusal to study!  There’s a plethora of information within the Dead Seas Scrolls but both the Jews and the Christian Sects refuse to accept them as being real.  Some even saying they are frauds (not unlike the Book of Mormon and what others call the Holy Bible). 

National Security leaks are nothing new – there’ve been the treasons of men/women from the beginning of time. Deceptions and so many other beguiling temptations which men/women now and then are taking for granted as being true.  The deceit of nations – to try for more and more power – seems to be the way of the world – i.e. the plan of the adversary – control over all – with none making decisions for themselves.  This absolute control begins within small groups and extends to whole governments.  When one person is willing to sell their soul there is no end to what evil they can do. 

We’ve a nation with over 50% who’ve sold their souls – for welfare, handouts, crimes, power, indolence’s, and most of all to be taken care of (one way or the other).  Dependent on someone making their decisions for them – and thus enslaving them even more.  The dole of the payroll called by whatever name is what controls another’s time, beliefs and worst of all freedoms.  They find their time controlled explaining it’s what they want to do – watch more tv, play more video games, seek lusts or drunken states and worst of all to be idle and thoughtless.  Oh there are thoughts – but mostly from the distractions of noise all about. Pounding endlessly into their minds – with nothing of value but all with an eternal cost.

When more than 50% of a nation have sold their collective souls – then you’ve less than 50% who possibly haven’t – and many of them have if not sold their souls have rented them out.  They hire others to do their work as it pertains to religion or any other task – i.e. government, lawyers, preachers, etc. With this type of respect given to Heavenly Father – and to our Savior, His Son – why would they honor a prayer to them from those who don’t listen when they’ve been answered? No I don’t think they would any more than they did to the multiple pleas from the Israelites of long ago and then others throughout history. Empty words of prayer coming from the vain lips of men/women professing to believe what they know doesn’t make sense – yet refusing to believe that which does.  America will not be blessed because of its wickedness – condoned at almost every level of society.  And lest any think they’re more holy or better than another – stop and reflect on the words of Brigham Young, “In this audience there are many Mormons but very few Saints.” 

Lest we be offended think of what you’ve done today.  Did you pray for rain and then not thank Father for allowing it to rain?  Did you help another without thought of repayment or payment? Did you feed the hungry; cloth the naked; care for the widow or the orphan?  Did you seek to do service for others without being asked or told?  Did you get angry and not apologize? Did you forget to say thank you?  Did you forgive while asked to be forgiven?  Literally did you do any good today?  And regardless of your answer did you speak with Father – getting your mission for the day and then reporting back when done?  Did you hold family prayer – hug your loved ones – read the Scriptures – study and ponder what’s been written for you? 

And finally are you found obedient to all of the commandments – all of them – for if not – how can you say you love the Father and the Son?  One might be mindful that only ten of the Commandments are written out where all can read them – but that many are found only in the Scriptures – all of them!  Thus when you hear “God Bless America” or “Trust in God” and you’ve not done what you’ve covenanted to do in this mortal probation – why, why, would you think it might be so?  You each know we’re all children of Heavenly Father – and through His Son our Savior we’ve been given the opportunity to repent and come unto Him (the Father).  This can happen only through His Son – no other way.  And if you don’t understand that they are two separate and distinct individuals then you’ve allowed others to tell you what to believe and believe not what the Savior, the Father and the Prophets have taught (over and over).  You’ve allowed others to take control and in blindness followed – being deaf to the words and beyond feeling to the promptings of the Holy Ghost and also the Spirit of Truth of the Father. 

Sadly, we’re all in trouble – the temptations of the world are unceasingly attacking anything which is of good report, worthy, virtuous, lovely, truthful – and in opposition to Paul – we then suffer.  Remember the key of righteousness is Integrity and the price of Integrity is the scorn of the worldly!

Thus over the centuries the Prophets have been stoned, crucified, murdered, imprisoned and lived under the constant threat of death by the world.  Nothing has changed – history does repeat itself – and we’ve to be mindful of all that Heavenly Father, the Savior and their representatives on this earth – The Prophets and Apostles teach and exhort us to be doing.

In the name of Jesus Christ – amen – c/ork




Given that many are bound

having chosen Babylon first

music, toys, drinking, drugs

smoking, lusts, power, riches

forgetting all about the Father;

Others thinking only halfway

being a little good and bad

taught that it doesn’t matter

a little bit of good then bad

forgetting about the Scriptures;

Options running out of time

deceptions and deceits known

the truth also having grown

now leaving many in doubt

losing more than just options!

Copyright © 2012 – cji

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