January 26, 2013

“Getting Into a Mess”

“Getting Into a Mess”
Have a government
which pays itself
excludes itself from laws
sets its own vacations
hires aides to do their work
confiscates property
gives federal lands away
entitles those who vote
(well only who vote for them)
oaths of loyalty to them
none to the Constitution
incompetents in office
political convenience
political expedience
political correctness
disregarding truth
accepting bribes
plausible deniability
getting into a mess
one must confess
owning the press
nation in distress
a game of chess
no errant knight
no more right
unable to fight
day into night
nowhere to flight
ugly this sight!
Copyright © 2013 – cji
“How Did We Get Into This Mess” cji 1/27/13
Agreed but this started shortly after the swearing in of Thomas Jefferson – when media and others learned that these men/women had a price!  Over the next 90 years it grew with various aspects of market crashes (man-made), labor strikes (man-made), monopolies (man-made), fear mongering (man-made), unethical MSM (man-made), disarmament of the Indians and then wholesale slaughter (man-made), pushing mainstream religion while killing and abusing others (man-made), media cooperation (owned by the wealthy – man-made), and then we found the meeting on the Golden Isles! 
From 1880-today – the overall plan is to have a one-world government (of course they didn’t count on China) which they would control with some of the wealthy in Europe.  By the election of Grant – the political system was owned by the wealthy in the Executive and House of Representatives.  Thus they also controlled the Courts (Federal Appointees).  By the 1930’s the Senate was now fully owned and the two party system began to disappear.  Every now and then a guy wearing a white hat is allowed to be president – but mostly not.  Fraud, corruption, lying, blackmail, murder, and a few other evil tendencies have taken over until the mainstream voted is controlled by the large urban areas which are always for more government and less responsibility or accountability. 
Planned – and now nearing its full execution!  If states don’t comply with new laws or executive orders – federal aid will be cut!  If they’ve to cut the budget they’ll hit at the military – retired – disabled first and those who are legitimately on Social Security.  Of course the backup is to cut off their voter base – the illegals – the entitled – and others – who will then riot and they can declare martial law. 
How did we get here – brainwashing with the creation of the public school system organized by the Dewey system.  The division of equality by overt racism.  The realization that fear and incentives are far more popular than one’s personal motivation. The MSM constantly pushing violence, sex, swearing, and mis-reporting of events and refusing to report on the positives.  The courts and civil servants who are unprofessional and have their positions via political favors.  The MSM always attacking and making a huge deal out of a normal citizen who gets into trouble when innocent – convicting the persons with never an apology! 
Of course the Prophets past and present have forewarned that the desire for material things would be the downfall of any nation – until the greed, lusts, envy and other carnal desires destroys anything of good, virtue or worthy.  In the event anyone fails to notice the media destroys men and women who do not bow to their agenda’s.  Why? Certainly not for freedom of the press – but because those who own and control them are the same cult as those who met on the Golden Isles so long ago.  Violence and corruption is their plan of action!  Always has been and always will for they’ll never earn anything. 
As Marx once was quoted as saying, “Socialism will rule the day – however, it needs a push now and then – even though it is inevitable!”  Thus the workers of the world needed to unite!  Now they find themselves enslaved to the union and organizations of corruption. 
Will it get better – no – simple stuff – they’ve rolled their dice – they need to play out their hand – what they’ve lost in the roll and hand – they can only win (achieve) now by further violence and attacks on the decent and law abiding – by any means possible!  Ask the Indians at Wounded Knee – disarmed – then slaughtered – 270 – 200 of which were women and children!  What is the difference between this and CT?  Better media coverage to hide the truth – which will never come out (even though it has – it is ignored). 
Copyright © 2013 – cji

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