November 1, 2012

"How to be Obedient" (to Heavenly Father)

Yup – it’s called self-discipline – hardest thing to do when the world teaches otherwise – yet to be obedient you have to exercise self-discipline!  In the Scriptures it tells us – about being unable to see, hear or feel to be able to discern truths of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  Long before I was member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints I had a quote, “Blindness is nothing more than refusing to see; refusing to see is refusing to understand.” cji 1971, where all could see it in my workplace.  The difficulty of truthful doctrine is that it requires one to live it fully – while plausible deniability gives one a worldly justification not to!  Therefore three easy rules for achieving self-discipline and therefore obedience to the Commandments and to Heavenly Father.
The three rules are, first, a long term goal of achieving the Celestial Kingdom (see the writings of Paul).  Thus is the decision I’m making going to make bring me closer or further away from achieving this goal? Second, does what I’m going to do or say make common sense and is it what the Savior would do?  And Third, If I do or don’t do this will it make a difference 500 years from now?  Simple stuff – most people who’ve excellent self-discipline have made their decisions long before it is needful – therefore they know what they’ll do and not do!  Yet without self-discipline becomes the reason why truthful doctrine is so difficult for some to accept and therefore unable to stay obedient in all things eternal. c/ork
“How To Be Obedient”
Living in a wicked world
easy to be led far astray
temptations just everywhere
enticements to strange
none suggesting alternatives
in the crowd of nothingness;
Yet the path of righteousness
seemingly so full of positives
allowing one to now change
and a happiness to share
when one daily does pray
in a safe harbor sails furled!
copyright © 2012 – cji

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