March 14, 2018

"Inch by Inch"

“Inch by Inch”


Blackness moving seemingly not
closer and closer quiet within sound
neither a whisper of grass/soil
breath kept beyond silent
only the slither known to one
two as if one in thought now
each with their mission felt
lightless the night then bright
search lights penetrating
inch by inch with movement
buried in the earth closer
cutting wire so carefully
one strand caught anchored
next and next till five in total
timing the guards lights
planting the explosives
first one then ten total
within the compound fully
still blending quietly slowly
knowing the layout minutely
service dog and soldier
still as one in the darkness
till all hell breaks loose
command given mortars
guard houses falling
explosions going off
opening compound doors
cells quickly opened
back the way they came
brothers and sisters as one
no longer inch by inch
through the fences breeched
into the night away and free
none missed none injured
the compound no longer
helos lifting off and away
blackness moving seemingly not
farther and farther quiet within sound

Copyright © 2018 – cji

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