December 31, 2017

"Simple Stuff" (14 steps to goal setting)

The fourteen steps of Goal Setting; (Ill list them now and then discuss them over the next week).  Chuck

1.  Self evaluation
2.  Lists Dreams Wants Wishes Needs Maybes
3.  Categorize 6 areas of life the total person
4.  Prioritize by most desired and ease of accomplishment
5.  List rewards what will I have when I achieve these/individualize
6.  Re-evaluate am I willing to pay the price to achieve this goal now?
7.  Write out Goal(s) completely be very specific!
8.  List obstacles and roadblocks what stands between you the goal.
9.  Write out solutions to the obstacles and roadblocks.
10.  Commit are you willing to pay the price!
11.  Target date for completion of goal.
12.  Write out affirmations. 
13.  Get or make visualizations.
14.  Keep updating go back to #1. 

Then have the belief in Serendipity the gift of finding valuable or agreeable things not sought for; and unplanned bonus more than you expected.


“Simple Stuff”


Getting started correctly
blank paper and pencils
(pencils have erasers)
pens don’t smile briefly
without thinking pausing
write one item lines
everything you want to do
you want to become like
you want to think like
internally and externally
lots of paper and pencils
when you run out of things
stop put in groups/subjects
and then and then and
work with them as above
really very simple stuff!

Copyright © 2018 – cji

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