June 6, 2017

"One's Own Slavery"

“One’s Own Slavery”


Entitled to be the fool
accepting rhetoric blushing
wanting to feed their egos
‘blame others’ ‘blame others’
entitled to be the fool
willingly to walk in chains
living in shanties filthy
destroying their education
getting none while the chance
learning to hate everyone
forgetting they’ve to hate self
hate is the opposite of love
the second great command
‘to love others as you love
yourself’ been given true
thus the opposite is to hate
creating self-imposed slavery
blaming all others except
those who really to blame
self and those preaching
to hate America always
casting the blame on…!

“They create their own slavery and then blame America when one identifies with those who hate America - are unlawful - which is what this is all about - saying they are not free - and are yet bound in a self-inflicted slavery - in the only nation in the world where they can earn multi-million dollars - pulling the msm and current governments - altruistic 'I’m not free card' - because criminals get shoot in the act of criminal activity - from those protecting the community - only to have 'bigots' burn and rape their own communities - and the flag - this isn't a right of freedom it's an act of total disrespect of those who gave you your freedoms which those you defend have abdicated by their actions,” cji 9/14/2016

Copyright © 2017 – cji

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