April 27, 2017

"Almost When"

Acts 26:28 Then Agrippa said unto Paul, Almost thou persuadest me to be a Christian.

“Almost When”


Almost have said kings
would guess also queens
great men and women
all walks of life turning
hearing what they want
then saying ‘almost’ but not
wondering how many today
answering the same hearing
truthful words soft warming
memories of the home left
then worried about peers
thinking of sacrifices to make
struggling which path to take
hearing the crowd’s leers
staring across the cleft
ignoring the warning
his peers thus fearing
unable Zion’s path stay
wondering of a past forgot
souls and feelings gaunt
into the fiery flames burning
all walks of life’s listen
 hiding behind dark screens
almost when as truth brings!

Copyright © 2017 – cji

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