December 24, 2016

"Father's Gift to Each"

“Father’s Gift to Each”


What more can a father give
of his flesh and bone born
some their sons and daughters
keeping others safe and sound
some to the fields of medicine
many into education teaching
some the supreme sacrifice
allowing their children to die
so that others might live
such was Father’s gift to each
born to Mary the Savior to all
who would suffer all tribulations
taking upon himself sins of all
thus able to lift and save all
who would harken to his word
can we comprehend this today
this is the Sabbath Day
our day each week to honor
be found in full obedience
then to transfer to every day
this same love for eternities
for to love the Savior Jesus
is to keep His Commandments
all of them – all of the time!

(Wondering why this is needed
His Church He Restored now
calling Prophets and Apostles
revealing additional Scriptures
to a world blinded to the truth
much as those when Jesus born
greed and malice to murder him
the world today does so daily
taking his name in vain
denying his Commandments
ignoring the Restoration
keeping in the traditions
men and women to not hear
if hearing then not to listen
paying others for their religion
when what the Father/Son
have Restored is free to all
thus denied by almost all
having enough without thought
desiring not eternal life
caring not the marriage forever
willing to accept far less
only what the worldly offer
rejecting Father’s gift to each!)

Therefore I share with you today
my testimony of the Restoration
“I know (not think – or a maybe)
That Jesus Christ and his Father
came to a young Joseph Smith, Jr.
in answer to his first oral prayer
beginning the last dispensation
revealing fully their Gospel
with all of the keys attendant
and that Church is alive now
‘The Church of Jesus Christ
of Latter-day Saints’ (Mormons)
it is filling the earth as I write
and my testimony is true –
in the name of Jesus Christ –

Copyright © 2016 – cji

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