June 28, 2015

"Firing the First Shot" (short commentary)

"Firing the First Shot"





When unprovoked causing injury

firing the first shot always wrong

giving way to the mob violence

putting one on the defensive sure

till in the end comes a victor

hanging soon all of the losers

changing history to meet wants

media to intercede with prejudice

causing innocent people to die

becoming victims of sure violence

agitating and instigating racism

caring not who wins or loses

as long as they gain so fully

microseisms in our society

tremors of discontent begun

whether in the world or locally

whether China, Korea, St. Louis

firing the first shot or so blamed

convicted in the media prejudice

throwing the blame as they will

for firing the first shot always wrong

when unprovoked causing injury

(supported by the biased media)!


Copyright © 2015 – cji


When men/women - nations/colonies - someone fires the first shot! Japan - Pearl Harbor; Germany - pick a place; Japan - China; Now in micro-viewing in our own neighborhoods - matters no longer who's right or wrong or even why - only until a winner is decided. The history of the US has always been one of violence - the winner claiming it's rights and the loser 'hanging' (per Benjamin Franklin). Mob justice many times prevailed and of course the more action the better the movie or story in supporting the winning side. The fact that there is abundant evil in the world - however there were some who were not evil - and caught in a Catch-22 allows more evil to grow and consume. When no radios/tv's/or other media outlets to carry accurate views of the times (then as today too much bias) - and in many cases reactive situations occur.


Flags don't kill people - people kill people - governments kill people - governments kill freedoms - evil men/women kill innocence - and the hatred of government and leaders like those who run their mouths kill people (or cause them to be killed). Rewriting their own history in the media only justifies them. They teach ignorance and indolence - provide entitlements and a Supreme Court which ignores the Constitution - common sense - and penalizes the honest citizen in favor of the minority causes which are based on hatred and not productivity.


However, we know the world is a wicked place - and it'll get much worse - too many are stuck in their own minds - in front of the boob tube/video games/movie houses - music of chaos - rather than seeking learning, understanding and truth.


Sadly it'll continue this way - however, those who oppose ignorance will continue to be beaten and the target of those who seek their destruction. There are good people in the world - but, as we've been told throughout history only the winners preside in the world - while the righteous are to endure till the end in obedience to pass mortalities test beyond this world.



Copyright © 2015 – cji

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