April 20, 2015

"What One Does"

Elder James E. Faust said: “Private choices are not private; they all have public consequences. … Our society is the sum total of what millions of individuals do in their private lives. That sum total of private behavior has worldwide public consequences of enormous magnitude. There are no completely private choices” (in Conference Report, Apr. 1987, 101; or Ensign, May 1987, 80).


“What One Does”





There is no immunity from actions

whether thought only done alone

‘for every action there’s a reaction’

privacy is not done in total darkness

all of satan’s minions see all things

therefore all of those of Father do too

we do not live in silent aloneness

what one does impacts another

sometimes a home, village, city

sometimes nations and the world

a broken promise – a broken home

vows broken – covenants broken

while most in the negative alone

much of what good is done same

good actions – good thoughts

pure obedience and pure love

while unnoticed by the world

seen by those really matter

there is no immunity from actions!


Copyright © 2015 – cji


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