August 31, 2014

Visiting Teaching September 2014

VISITING TEACHING MESSAGE The Divine Mission of Jesus Christ: Comforter

Prayerfully study this material and seek to know what to share. How will understanding the life and roles of the Savior increase your faith in Him and bless those you watch over through visiting teaching? For more information, go to

Faith, Family, Relief
This is part of a series of Visiting Teaching Messages featuring aspects of the mission of the Savior.

Photo illustration by Sarah Carabine Jenson
Jesus Christ promised, “I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you” (John 14:18). He will give us “beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning” (Isaiah 61:3). Because Christ suffered the Atonement for each of us, He will not forget us. “Our Savior has taken upon Himself … our pains and our suffering and afflictions so that He can know what we feel and how to comfort us,” said Linda S. Reeves, second counselor in the Relief Society general presidency.1
Knowing that Christ will comfort us can bring us peace and inspire us to follow His example by ministering to others. President Thomas S. Monsonsaid: “Our knowledge of the gospel and our love of our Heavenly Father and of our Savior will comfort and sustain us and bring joy to our hearts as we walk uprightly and keep the commandments. There will be nothing in this world that can defeat us.”2

From the Scriptures

From Our History

Elaine L. Jack, the 12th Relief Society general president, said: “In visiting teaching we reach out to each other. Hands often speak as voices can’t. A warm embrace conveys volumes. A laugh together unites us. A moment of sharing refreshes our souls. We cannot always lift the burden of one who is troubled, but we can lift her so she can bear it well.”3
Our pioneer Relief Society sisters “found spiritual strength in each other’s love and compassion. … As they suffered trials of illness and death, they prayed in faith for each other and comforted each other. ‘The love of God flowed from heart to heart,’ wrote Helen Mar Whitney, ‘till the wicked one seemed powerless in his efforts to get between us and the Lord, and his cruel darts, in some instances, were shorn of their sting.’”4

Consider This

How does understanding that the Lord remembers you bring you comfort?

“Never Alone”


Sharing our tribulations
knowing of our fears
sharing our temptations
wiping away all our tears;

Never alone within each
our Savior there to share
promptings to us teach
for each of us to care!

Copyright © 2014 – cji

Home Teaching September 2014




In the vicinity where I once lived and served, the Church operated a poultry project, staffed primarily by volunteers from the local wards. Most of the time it was an efficiently operated project, supplying to the bishops’ storehouse thousands of fresh eggs and hundreds of pounds of dressed poultry. On a few occasions, however, being volunteer city farmers meant not only blisters on the hands but also frustration of heart and mind.
For instance, I shall ever remember the time we gathered the Aaronic Priesthood young men to give the project a spring-cleaning. Our enthusiastic and energetic throng assembled at the project and in a speedy fashion uprooted, gathered, and burned large quantities of weeds and debris. By the light of the glowing bonfires, we ate hot dogs and congratulated ourselves on a job well done.
However, there was just one disastrous problem. The noise and the fires so disturbed the fragile population of 5,000 laying hens that most of them went into a sudden molt and ceased laying. Thereafter we tolerated a few weeds so that we might produce more eggs.
No member of the Church who has helped provide for those in need ever forgets or regrets the experience. Industry, thrift, self-reliance, and sharing with others are not new to us.
We should remember that the best storehouse system would be for every family in the Church to have a supply of food, clothing, and, where possible, other necessities of life. The Lord’s storehouse includes the time, talents, skills, compassion, consecrated material, and financial means of faithful Church members. These resources are available to the bishop in assisting those in need.
We urge all Latter-day Saints to be prudent in their planning, to be conservative in their living, and to avoid excessive or unnecessary debt. Many more people could ride out the storm-tossed waves in their economic lives if they had a supply of food and clothing and were debt-free. Today we find that many have followed this counsel in reverse: they have a supply of debt and are food-free.
I repeat what the First Presidency declared a few years ago:
“Latter-day Saints have been counseled for many years to prepare for adversity by having a little money set aside. Doing so adds immeasurably to security and well-being. Every family has a responsibility to provide for its own needs to the extent possible.
“We encourage you wherever you may live in the world to prepare for adversity by looking to the condition of your finances. We urge you to be modest in your expenditures; discipline yourselves in your purchases to avoid debt. Pay off debt as quickly as you can, and free yourselves from this bondage. Save a little money regularly to gradually build a financial reserve.”1
Are we prepared for the emergencies in our lives? Are our skills perfected? Do we live providently? Do we have our reserve supply on hand? Are we obedient to the commandments of God? Are we responsive to the teachings of prophets? Are we prepared to give of our substance to the poor, the needy? Are we square with the Lord?
We live in turbulent times. Often the future is unknown; therefore, it behooves us to prepare for uncertainties. When the time for decision arrives, the time for preparation is past.

Teaching from This Message

Considering the needs of those you visit, think of ways you can help them become more self-reliant in employment, finances, food storage, or emergency preparedness. Think of a skill you could share with them, such as gardening or money management, that would empower them to follow President Monson’s counsel.
For ideas on teaching this message to youth and children, see page 6.

I Served Again

By Jaíne Araújo
The author lives in Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil.
One day, after finishing a service project, I was walking past our meetinghouse and saw two sisters who were cleaning the building. My words simply came out: “Sisters, do you need some help?” One of them smiled at me and said that I had arrived just in time because they were the only ones cleaning and they were very tired. She said that she had prayed that the Lord would send someone to help. I was very happy to be an answer to her prayer. I had just finished giving service to someone else and was also tired, but I followed my heart and offered to serve more.
It is a commandment to work with joy (see D&C 24:7). When we have the desire to serve at all times, we can help miracles happen in other people’s lives. Our lives become more meaningful when we serve. The Lord really does love us, He helps each of His children, and He will give us the strength to serve.

Are You Prepared?

Answers: True, True, False, True, False
President Monson has asked each of us to be prepared for hard times and to help others during their hard times. Take this true-or-false quiz to see if you’re ready!
I can always find someone to help. True □False □
I can be grateful for everything I already have. True □False □
I don’t have any talents to share with anyone. True □False □
Saving money for later is a good idea. True □False □
I need new toys and clothes to be happy. True □False □
“Needful Hearing”


Often to listen to wants
hearing not the shoulds
putting aside relevants
preparing not for needs
ignoring Prophet’s voice
seeking another’s counsel
needful hearing absent
when needed the most
hearing for the eternal
thus also here on earth
that what’s important
the shoulds not wants!

Copyright © 2014 – cji

"Caring Means Thinking"

“Caring Means Thinking”


Caring means thinking
before you speak/act
understanding feelings
quietly setting example
discerning promptings
doing what’s right to do
always seeing ahead
seeking to bring good
helping to lift others
thinking means caring!

Copyright © 2014 – cji

August 30, 2014




Taking what was once pure
clear, concise, truth, right
then bending in the winds
adding impurities abstractions
once simple all to understand
now a plethora of rhetoric
preached from the pulpits
screamed from televisions
ranting and raving or calm
presenting for an admission
a Sabbath Day corrupted
diffusions of men/women
what once was just pure!

Copyright © 2014 – cji




The first melting of ice
clear, pure, precious
bringing a chill shiver
bearing witness true
Father’s Sabbath Day
honor, quiet, respect
undiffused or worldly
simply the beginning
unending to but a few
staying in literal truth
each Sabbath Day
unspotted from all
as first melting ice!

Copyright © 2014 – cji

August 29, 2014

"Blisters" (a series)




Calming storms within
climbing steep cliffs
scaring and callous
hardening the timber
growing as outcast
working hard always
seeking wisdom’s truth
never giving up ever
without blisters forming
life lived cherished
each day each moment
never slacking once
swimming deep rivers
calming storms within!)


How lily soft floundering
living off the worldly lie
never tempered in fire
lazing in the drug dream
unreality and cruelty
indifference to truth
soft in the brains
delicate skin on soles
muscles limped weak
immature incompetent
so many unable to see
blisters formed eyes
burning without merit
a worldly lie living
lily softly floundering!


Having gone without struggle
tender hands and body all
too late to avoid the Son
now found blistering away
nothing seen from without
ulcers and cancers within
eating parasites employed
45M government doles
votes paid for in full maybe
slavery’s bondage found
entwined too deep thought
captured in ruptured veins
soft and pliable to conform
no longer even left to live!


Lying on the midnight rocks
molten lava channels run
chained by unwillingness
apathetically entombed
still sweltering in the sun
unwilling to rise escape
without tethers or bonds
burning and blistering
babbling as the old fool
 beyond feeling the heat
unhearing the clanging
unseeing the view away
unwilling to repent today!


Blisters come when starting
doing what hasn’t been done
going to the stream to drink
bending knees now to pray
over time to heal and seal
inside and without refreshed
accepting to turn to the Son
putting aside worldly trash
understanding the literal
ignoring the preaching
illusions and humanisms
once started to hold fast
becoming one with the rod
the word of God forever!


Accepting calming storms
embracing hardships all
hardening our testimonies
putting away the sadness’s
putting on the full armor
accepting being unique
apart from the worldly
turning blisters to callouses
actively engaged today
learning wisdom’s truths
knowing Heavenly Father
becoming one with he
and his only begotten
swimming without fear
calming all inner storms!)

Copyright © 2014 – cji




Simply saying a 'hello'
nodding and smiling
taking time unselfish
having warmth ready
making others feel good
sharing what's within
sharing of love true
giving not asking
opening the windows
allowing in the light
each day - moment
smiling and nodding
saying 'hello' simply!

Copyright © 2012 – cji

"Withering Winds"

"Withering Winds"


Scraping paint and bark
curling the sod and road
bending trees and poles
withering winds fore-bearing
enduring abuses of nature
feeling the offenses shown
allowing none to deter
standing with the Father
safe, secure and loved
disallowing worldly abuse
standing firm in faith
unwavering forgiving
withering winds about
refining as with fire
reshaping from within
preparing for the eternal!

Copyright © 2012 – cji

August 26, 2014

"Without Reason 343"

 The destruction of common sense, reason and truth started in the Golden Age of the Greeks - lying paid better - Socrates had to drink the Hemlock - Plato became the in thing and changed the Christian Church under Augustine and Origen as disciples of Rhetorical thought - spiritualism, mysticism and other vague imitations replaced the literal truth of the Scriptures and anything which speaks against this (which I do) are simply out of step with the false reality of the majority. Of course in my lifetime (as you know) I'd rather be right (with full documentation - common sense - Gnoisis (a Testimony of Heavenly Father and his Son our Savior Jesus Christ) than be wrong! A strong statement but such were made by all of the true Prophets and the true Disciples and Apostles! c/ork

"Without Reason 343"


Having written long ago
even now as of this day
men/women without reason
justifying Neo-Platonism
justifying teaching of lies
scattering the gossip
God is dead or if not
he is but an illusion
without reason centuries
carefully created guile
even now as of this day
having started long ago!
Copyright © 2012 – cji

"Just Average"

"Just Average"


Going on day by day
pushing the threads
passing meritocracy
best of the worst
worst of the best
improving not at all
just average found
a standard lowering
day by day by hour
the bar lowering daily
pushing the threads
leaving nothing behind!
Copyright © 2012 – cji