June 13, 2014

"Where Are You Going?"

On June 13, 1975 – Joyce and I were Sealed for Time and All Eternity in the Washington DC Temple of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints – c/ork

“Where Are You Going?”


Answering the door to find
a neatly dressed couple
who immediately asked,
‘Where are you going?’
to which response given
‘returning to live with Our
Father to be with my family
an eternal family if worthy’
then they asked which church
‘The Church of Jesus Christ
of Latter-day Saints’ replied
and then they just left us
guessing what we know not
but ‘where are we going?’
is an excellent question
for on this day in 1975
we were sealed forever
to come forth eternally
to return to Our Father
with our Savior (his Son)
again we know if worthy
for this is the Plan given
that all might again return
meeting the conditions
being obedient in all things
making covenants while here
to extend into the eternities
forever and ever without end
families with physical bodies
as the Father and the Son
thus when asked at any time
‘Where are you going’ we reply
to live with Father and Son
with our families eternally
(progenitor’s and posterity)
If found worthy in all things!

Copyright © 2014 – cji

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