January 20, 2014

"Dr. Martin Luther King"

Actually I knew Dr. King - spent several hours with him in Harlem in 1964! Dr. King is not the person that Big Al - or JJ make him out to be. He understood how to get things done - and he was not about separate but equal. He was about each of us being color-blind - i.e. a person earns respect - is not entitled to it - that each must do their part to make themselves better - their family better - their home better and therefore their community and nation better. This isn't done by rhetoric but by truth and doing. Yes he did use the media - and everything needful to get people moving. Think about it - that people would see each other as persons - and not just the cultural differences - while those who took over his gains to make this a nation of racism and a renewed version of slavery by ignorance - would not have been his way. c/ork

“Dr. Martin Luther King”


A perspective lost in time
having his identity stolen
much as many greats past
used for political advantage
more to be used for power
not seeking universal love
certainly not to be understood
instead used to destroy
interring the youth of today
generations now enslaved
this was not Dr. King’s way
but those who stole him away
selling their souls for power
pretending to be ministers
parading in racist colors
denying access to any
who disagree with them
leading the children astray
forgetting most his teachings
now taken out of context
as he knew they would be
the Dr. King I knew cries
having his identity stolen
thus lost in time and truth!

Copyright © 2013 – cji

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