August 20, 2012

"Slivers of Light"

“Slivers of Light”


Off in the distance seen
only a glance or chance
appearing and reappearing
thus closer came the I
the sliver of light smaller
needing to get closer quick
grasping for air so short
as if in a dream watching
the sliver now yet smaller
running, crashing, faster
almost no sliver to see
unwilling to give up now
stretching forth my hand
into the shrinking gap
only the tip of the finger
making the crack of light
then falling into darkness
as deep sleep overcame
yet slowly to awaken
the light soft all about
having found to endure
never quitting or stopping
the sliver of light to find
finding me as I then it
slivers of light eternal
as life to who endure!

Copyright © 2012 – cji

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