June 4, 2011

“Running in Deep Snow”

“Running in Deep Snow”


Hip deep struggling ahead
running trying not to sweat
freezing just not quite yet
no lights to be seen a far
a dull glistening of snow
wherever one does look
now up to the waist found
running in deep snow
seeking to find one’s home
yet now ever so all alone
once all about was show
bright light’s upon ground
finding all was mistook
like wishing upon a star
prayer forsaken in a bet
no Sabbath Day to fret
no real truth to thread;

Yet others going bye fast
one here another there
once thought crazy/insane
silly shoes upon their feet
running in deep snow
yet to a top and not within
avoiding appearance of sin
within the Gospel to grow
feeling its warmth/heat
prompting ever so plain
a Sabbath Day to share
truths eternal to last!

Copyright © 2011 – cji

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