December 14, 2016

"Who You Are" (Integrity)

Years ago found myself asking what kind of person should I be? Being very young at the time - I decided to always tell the truth regardless of what punishments would occur. My goal was to never be offended by anyone for anything - except if they questioned or attacked my 'integrity' and then to act with all of the strength within me to protect this so integral part of who I was. Yes I got a lot of punishment which I deserved for the choices I made - but almost never did anyone question my integrity. Oh, it's happened and I've acted as stated above - and somehow while forgiving those who've attacked my integrity I've never been able to trust them going forward. Interestingly - it's happened more within than without. Your integrity is who you are always and everywhere!  No one - I repeat no one should be allowed to attack your integrity!  c/ork

"Who You Are"


Knowing you can be trusted
your integrity your armor
able to withstand temptations
going within one's self loving
clean inside and outside
without bragging or pride
making right choices always
doing the right thing always
counted by others as pure
innocence from the worldly
being called naïve by some
acceptable to Father always
knowing of yourself always
bound to your covenants
able to withstand temptations
outer clothing of full armor
knowing you can be trusted!

Copyright © 2016 – cji

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