April 26, 2016

"Of the Good People"

Some thoughts on why the good people seldom win!  First and foremost throughout history the good guy seldom wins (if ever) - evil almost always triumphs. You and I both think of only a couple of exceptions. Good people have never been endowed to fight against the combined resources of evil. Most of all 'good people' follow the rules - and unless one is in the movies and can use special effects - multiple lives - and violate the rules does the guy in the 'white hat' win.

Second - evil is intended to some degree always to exceed in the worldly efforts to destroy and otherwise make bad worse. This is quite clear in the Scriptures - which is why so many clergy rant against the choir and not the evil.

Lastly – this allows the earthly plan to be fulfilled - for the few who choose to do the right for the right reason always - found obedient to all of the commandments - and endure to the end of this mortal probation or test will return to live with their Father in Heaven. All others will go to lesser degrees of glory (see Paul) and even a few into outer darkness. Father’s plan was one of agency or choice to choose right or wrong (only two choices – sorry) and satan’s plan was for none to have to choose – just get a body and return (i.e. live on the dole – welfare having to do nothing to reap the rewards of mortal life. Since a third of the host heaven chose to go with him – he’d lots of willing workers to thwart Father’s plan – to make his the only one left with everyone in misery. However, some remember the covenants made with Father in the pre-existence and have kept theirs.

Those who’ve kept not their covenants don’t ever remember them for the most part – desire all to be sensual and hedonistic as they are. Peer pressure – even by those somewhat being good – exerts others not to do the right thing for the right reason always. Of course a reminder – doing the right thing and the right requires complete obedience to Father’s rules! Thus was the Son sent to earth to atone for us – and to set up his Church on this earth. Several times the keys have been restored to this earth since the beginning of our mortal experience. The last dispensation was restored in the early 1800’s but hardly anyone in the world believes it – i.e. less than .0002%. Regardless if each person reads the Scriptures – studies them they’ll know the truth – and live accordingly.

There are a lot of good people in every walk of life and culture – just seems there are a lot more evil ones!  c/ork

“Of the Good People”


Of the good people
we know so very little
most live common lives
doing what they’re to do
quiet confident pure
keeping their covenants
living the commandments
how many do we know
giving them respect
examples for us to be!

Copyright © 2016 – cji

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