April 20, 2016

"Gaining Courage" (short essay)

“Gaining Courage”


Remembering our covenants
made in the pre-existence
between us and Father
via through the Son made
understanding we’ve to endure
meaning to be obedient
till the end of our mortality
holding to the Rod of Iron
trusting to the Lord only
fearing not mankind ever
knowing the wicked will be
and evil is forever real
thus to be gaining courage
repenting and coming home
knowing the Savior overcame
and the world cannot hurt us
if we but follow our covenants!

Copyright © 2016 – cji

This is a tad dated – but still applies – as we seek to remember to be righteous and obey the Commandments – c/ork
Received the following from a friend of mine – below the abridged article is my reply – c/ork
Hi Chuck: This article and the one I sent just before it scare me a lot.  What do you know about this information? –
Purging and Transforming Our Military
One can go and read the full context of the below – but I’ve edited it simply to give the gist of what is being stated. c/ork
Posted By Matthew Vadum On November 8, 2013 @ 12:56 am In Daily Mailer, FrontPage
President Obama hasn’t just been hollowing out the military since taking office, he’s been gutting it, purging it of ideologically hostile personnel, and fundamentally transforming it into something other than a war-fighting force, military experts say.
… This is, of course, the same through-the-looking-glass administration that goes out of its way not to label actual Islamic terrorists as terrorists, that calls terrorist attacks “man-caused disasters,” and refers to the Global War on Terror as the “Overseas Contingency Operation.”
… The former officer said that President Obama is getting rid of experienced war fighters for no apparent reason.
… The military is being turned into a laboratory for radical social engineering experiments. They’re wrecking the finest military force the world has ever known — brighter, better educated, trained, led, and now the most combat-experienced military force in the history of the world. And they’re not standing up and saying, “stop wrecking it.” This administration is intent on wrecking it.
… Americans ought to be alarmed that the administration is now using the same heavy-handed, un-American tactics to turn members of the nation’s armed forces against its domestic political adversaries. We know, for example, that a January 2013 Department of Defense (DoD) diversity training center “student guide” entitled “Extremism” instructs soldiers that conservative organizations are “hate groups” and Tea Party supporters are potentially dangerous extremists.
… This is what happens when you make a radical left-wing community organizer Commander-in-Chief of America’s armed forces.
My Reply:
Yup – remember he’s a zealot with a mission – think of him as a sleeper agent of the Oligarchical Left. Between Carter, Clinton and he they’ve destroyed one of the best trained and equipped militaries in the world – till not it cannot even complete 1/3 of its overall mission to protect and defend the Constitution of the US. Remember also he’s had many inner-city youth in a ‘Brown Shirt’ program for several years now – and indeed the massive ammo purchases. In line with this is the UN goal (Ezra Taft Benson) to disarm the US – without worrying about China, Russia or any other nation adverse to the US. A couple months ago I wrote an essay referring to this and various detention centers already built around the US – think of the land grab of the EPA and others – making normally state or privately owned lands – federal. In the West you all see this much more than we do here on the East Coast.
Any within the military – who do not pledge their ‘souls’ to him and not to the people/Constitution are either forced to retire or kept from promotions. One forgets the overall mission of the FBI is not just spying on the American people but building a ‘black book’ to blackmail anyone who opposes POTUS – this is in keeping with Chicago Politics – one would guess this is why Congress (even in Athenian Democracy this was not allowed c. 5th Century BC) – Judges and others are afraid of him. He also retains a lawyer team (it used to be at $6 Million per year) to defend and advise on how far he can go – and this has been broadened continuously over the past five years. That the MSM give him a free pass (most likely because they’ve been threatened with blackmail) and also that they’re part of the liberal education they’ve received on the evils of capitalism and the wonders of Socialism/Communism (of which their definition has nothing to do with what they really are) and thus the totalitarian dictatorship oligarchy is slowly coming into being. Currently he’s bypassed both Congress and the Courts with over 1000+ Executive Orders with no regard to the Constitution or the nation.
The world game of King of the Mountain has been going on for ages (refer to many of the writings of Hugh Nibley) – and it still continues today. What most forget is that the needed allies to become king – become the next series of enemies for the current king. What they all forget who’ve lived and been raised up in a free society – is that China is playing the game of ‘Go’ – and there are no allies – or contenders for the thrown when the game is over. If anyone doubts this China has a puppet state called N. Korea – where they try everything out. i.e. anyone who appears to be a threat – is a threat – might grow up to be a threat is eliminated – and as in the old mafia – all of their family with them; which we’re witnessing at the current time.
Most continue to ignore the book, “Unrestricted Warfare” written by two Chinese Colonels in 1998 and translated to English in 1999. Satan was most likely a third co-author as it is his plan as well. The overall premise is to fund, encourage and initiate division and conflict whenever and wherever possible – and to keep it going – such as a forest fire of destruction. Whatever can promote China to a higher rung one or many at a time is in China’s best interest and thus warfare or conflict further helps them in the game of ‘Go!’
The US and other nations who seek to disarm – dismantle freedom – stable governments – financially ruin ones economy – are playing not to win but for China to win. Treaties or agreements between nations are treated like the 19th Century treaties the US made with the Native Americans – not worth the paper they’re printed on then or now. Thus when the GOP breaks their contract with America – China laughs and turns over more pieces on the board. When the current administration pushes the US further into debt, China turns over more pieces. When Iran offers to make a deal – China turns over more pieces on the board when the US and others believe it’s an honest offer.
One must always remember – who has the most to gain and the least to lose. This is the premise behind all acts of disruption – warfare – and criminal activity. In the US at the current time – the American People have the most to lose – their freedoms and the Constitution – which is a reflection (or was) of Gods Law. Who has the most to gain – those who would destroy personal freedoms anyway that they can – thus they’ve also the least to lose because they too enjoy all of the freedoms provided under the Constitution. They also know with the media on their side most likely they’ll lose little because they had nothing to start with.
Think of it this way – when a hardened criminal goes to prison – what have this lost? Very little as they never consider freedom as something they’ve ever had or enjoyed. Someone who’s a hardened criminal has been hiding and thus does not have the freedom of open movement – while in the prison system they enjoy free meals, room and board, the company of those intimidated by their reputations – remembering there’s a class society within the prison itself and the more hardened the higher class to which they belong. Thus when they commit a crime (as long as it is not rape, child abuse or something which could bring the death sentence) they much to gain if not caught – and little to lose if they are caught. With the current legal system they actually have a good chance of never going to prison or if they do for a limited time.
The politically correctness of our current society is a great incentive for the current administration to expand their powers and dominion – having the media given them positive press for the more politically correct they are found to be – i.e. kids in school being sent home for praying, pointing a finger, wearing a tee shirt deemed offensive, or otherwise thinking aloud; while those who use four letter foul language – threaten kids for their lunch money – dress with their pants around their thighs – are consider models of being politically correct. This is part and parcel of the intimidation used by those who seek to become a totalitarian dictatorship oligarchy (TDO) within the US – and thus they need only enough military to support their causes.
The current administration could care less about the military – and keep them in contact with the enemy outside the US to continue the destruction of those loyal to the Constitution. Where they are set up for ambushes by the administration and left to fend for themselves when all or most are killed. The media whose liberal agenda hate the military – hate conservatives – hate the Constitution – while not understanding the first to go in a TDO is the free press! Too late seduced many who’ve now sold their souls – find they’ve only marked themselves for death or worse.
Hopefully this addresses your concerns – we’ve to remember this has been the game since the murder of Able (within our human generation on this planet) – the actual warfare started in the Spirit World – and will continue until the Second Coming. And as in most warfare the further into the battle the worse things will become. What differences do we see between the last of those Ether wrote about and today? Almost none – little children – women and everyone in some nations of the world are involved in the combat – carrying weapons of all kinds – with no regard for human life. Within the home there is no longer a solid foundation as the purpose of marriage eternally is lost among all of the religions of the world except one. The eternal family is not taught as a reality except by one religion. The Bible and other Scriptures are not believed literally except by one religion.
Should it come to pass that those seeking a TDO become successful – they will then try to go worldwide and China will pounce – turning over the last token on the board. There’s no such thing as a defensive war which can be won. Thus while China and others claim their military buildups are needful to protect their homelands – in reality they are set up for offensive warfare to increase their power and dominion over others. We must never forget the military and finances are married one to the other – and the result of the marriage is power – and the goal is absolute power.
Finally – one must remember – those who’ve sold their vote to such as our current administration are also paying for their own subjection to not only TDO – but to the dole – which is worse than any addiction known in the history of mankind. 

Copyright © 2016 – cji

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