December 31, 2016

"Goals Each Day"

“Goals Each Day”


Starting with the Sabbath Day
then every day thereafter
never to waiver or pause
daily prayer as a unit
Scripture reading daily
these strengthen family
eternities able to now knit
giving meaning to cause
salvation then hereafter
beginning goals each day!

Copyright © 2016 – cji

Visiting Teaching Message January 2017


The Purpose of Relief Society

Prayerfully study this material and seek for inspiration to know what to share. How will understanding the purpose of Relief Society prepare daughters of God for the blessings of eternal life?

The purpose of Relief Society is to “prepare women for the blessings of eternal life,” says Linda K. Burton, Relief Society General President.1 It is through faith, family, and relief that we engage in our “vital part in the work.”2
Relief Society “is a temporal and spiritual work,” says Carole M. Stephens, First Counselor in the Relief Society General Presidency. “That is what the women did in the Savior’s day, and that is what we continue to do.”3
As we look to the Samaritan woman at the well, who left her water pot and ran to tell others that Jesus was a prophet (see John 4:6–42), or to Phebe, who joyfully served others throughout her life (see Romans 16:1–2), we see examples of women in the Savior’s day who took an active part in coming unto Christ. It is He who opens our way to eternal life (see John 3:16).
As we look to our pioneer sisters in Nauvoo, Illinois, who gathered in Sarah Kimball’s home in 1842 to form their own organization, we see God’s plan for bringing Relief Society into being and in line with the priesthood. After Eliza R. Snow wrote a constitution, the Prophet Joseph Smith reviewed it. He realized that the Church was not fully organized until the women were organized. He said that the Lord accepted their offering but that there was something better. “I will organize the women under the priesthood after the pattern of the priesthood,” he said.4
“The Relief Society was not just another group of women trying to do good in the world. It was different. It was ‘something better’ because it was organized under priesthood authority. Its organization was a necessary step in the unfolding of God’s work on earth.”5
Additional Scriptures and Information

“Our Calling and Season”


When able to run and play
learning and growing sure
getting guidance and love
none treading the path alone
the Father and Son their
holding our hand and heart
each this is a calling a season
then we grow, mature till
our calling and season serving
doing Father and Son’s will
being worthy to serve others!

Copyright © 2016 – cji

Home Teaching January 2017


Aiming at the Center

Second Counselor in the First Presidency

Photograph by Myshkovsky/Et/Getty Images
Recently, I watched a group of people practicing the art of archery. Just by watching, it became clear to me that if you really want to master the bow and arrow, it takes time and practice.
I don’t think you can develop a reputation for being an accomplished archer by shooting at an empty wall and then drawing targets around the arrows. You have to learn the art of finding the target and hitting the bull’s-eye.

Painting Targets

Shooting first and drawing the target afterward may seem a little absurd, but sometimes we ourselves mirror that very behavior in other circumstances of life.
As Church members, we sometimes have a tendency to attach ourselves to gospel programs, issues, and even doctrines that seem interesting, important, or enjoyable to us. We are tempted to draw targets around them, making us believe we are aiming at the center of the gospel.
This is easy to do.
Throughout the ages we have received excellent counsel and inspiration from prophets of God. We also receive direction and clarification from various publications, handbooks, and manuals of the Church. How easy it would be to select our favorite gospel topic, draw a bull’s-eye around it, and then make a case that we have identified the center of the gospel.

The Savior Clarifies

This is not a problem unique to our day. Anciently, religious leaders spent a great deal of time cataloging, ranking, and debating which of the hundreds of commandments was the most important.
One day a group of religious scholars attempted to draw the Savior into the controversy. They asked Him to weigh in on an issue upon which few could agree.
“Master,” they asked Him, “which is the great commandment in the law?”
We all know how Jesus answered: “Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.
“This is the first and great commandment.
“And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.
“On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.”1
Please note the last sentence: “On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.”
The Savior not only showed us the target, but He also identified the bull’s-eye.

Hitting the Target

As members of the Church, we covenant to take upon ourselves the name of Jesus Christ. Implicit in that covenant is the understanding that we will strive to learn about God, love Him, increase our faith in Him, honor Him, walk in His way, and stand steadfastly as witnesses of Him.
The more we learn about God and feel His love for us, the more we realize that the infinite sacrifice of Jesus Christ is a divine gift of God. And God’s love inspires us to use the path of true repentance, which will lead to the miracle of forgiveness. This process enables us to have greater love and compassion for those around us. We will learn to see beyond labels. We will resist the temptation to accuse or judge others by their sins, shortcomings, flaws, political leanings, religious convictions, nationalities, or skin color.
We will see every one we meet as a child of our Heavenly Father—our brother or our sister.
We will reach out to others in understanding and love—even those who may not be particularly easy to love. We will mourn with those who mourn and comfort those who stand in need of comfort.2
And we will realize that there is no need for us to agonize about the correct gospel target.
The two great commandments are the target. On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.3 As we accept this, all other good things will fall into place.
If our primary focus, thoughts, and efforts are centered on increasing our love for Almighty God and extending our hearts to others, we can know that we have found the right target and are aiming at the bull’s-eye—becoming true disciples of Jesus Christ.

Teaching from This Message

Before sharing this message, you could sing “Our Savior’s Love” (Hymns, no. 113). Then consider encouraging those you visit to reflect on the “targets” in their own lives. You could discuss ways to ensure that the two great commandments—to “love the Lord thy God” and to “love thy neighbour as thyself” (see Matthew 22:37, 39)—are always guiding their actions. You might also share specific ways in which you have focused your own life on Christ and share testimony of how that has blessed you.

A Smile Can Make the Difference

President Uchtdorf identifies two goals we should have for our actions: love God and love our fellowmen. But sometimes it just isn’t that easy to love others. Throughout your life, there may be times when you find it difficult to interact with others—perhaps someone has hurt you or you have a hard time communicating or getting along with someone. In these moments, try to remember the love you’ve felt from friends, family, Heavenly Father, and Jesus Christ. Remember the joy you felt in those situations and try to imagine if everyone had the opportunity to feel such love. Remember that everyone is a daughter or son of God and is deserving of both His and your love.
Think of a specific person in your life whom you’ve had difficulty getting along with. Include them in your prayers and ask Heavenly Father to open your heart to them. You’ll soon start to see them how He does: as one of His children who deserves love.
After you’ve prayed, do something nice for them! Maybe invite them to a Mutual activity or an outing with friends. Offer to help with a homework assignment. Even just say “hello” and smile at them. The little things can make a big difference … in both of your lives!


President Uchtdorf says the gospel is like target practice. We need to aim for the most important things. The most important commandments are to love God and to love others. If we focus on these two things, we can hit the bull’s-eye every time!

Draw an arrow in the targets that help us show love for God and others. Draw an X over the targets that are not good things to do.

December 30, 2016

"End of the Year"

“End of the Year”


Tradition has it over again
each moment must end
each hour or minute ends
each day or week or month
thus each year too ends;

Wherein are we found thus
for as time measured here
lifetimes, decades, generations
we too will someday end
what then will we be like;

Therein lies a great question
what will we be like then
will we be as churches teach
merely spirits once more
or are greater things in store;

Question this as you plan
what if the Scriptures true
eternal life could be yours
prices to pay in obedience
at this the end of the year!

Copyright © 2016 – cji

December 29, 2016

"Worth Repeating" (One Goal - 12/30/13)

Every single person who sets goals should have just one goal! This goal is predicated upon all others goals one might set in their life. It would be my expectation that one might meaningfully have thousands of goals. These could be found as either tangible or intangible goals. They should be in the six main areas of their life; family, social, physical, mental, financial and moral/ethical. Thus with goals in each of the six areas however one were to define them would be a mixture of both tangible and intangible. Secondary to this these goals should have a blend of short term, medium term and long term durations. Short term could be as short as one or two hours to up to three to four weeks. While medium term goals are usually from one month to one year. Long term goals could be from one year to any number of years especially where intangible goals are concerned.

Seems like a long way from just one single goal but bear with me a bit longer. Goals to be efficient need to be written and specific (see Paul J. Meyers) and be broken down in generally the following way. The initial part of a goal is for it to be written clearly and understandably so that one can see exactly what it is that they want to achieve. Part of the written clarification is whether the goal is tangible or intangible. Next to place it in a specific area of your life. Some may overlap – i.e. family and social, moral/ethical and financial – but one should pick the area best identified with the goal. Then one sets a date for the achievement of this particular goal. This is the date when you want to achieve the goal – it could be as short as a couple of weeks or many months or even years. (Note: for very short term goals less than a couple days – simply identifying it and listed it is usually enough.)

For every goal one has they follow the above pattern – until in each area of one’s life they’ve as many as ten or more – with some being tangible and intangible. Next when this initial stage is done – one then has to prioritize the goals they taken the time to write up for themselves. (Note: remembering even the list we make for daily things we want/need to do – we should prioritize them – this is so we get the most important done first – the less important may either wait till tomorrow or even another week.)

Once we’ve prioritized our goals we go to the next step of the process and this is to list all of the obstacles which stand between us and the achievement of each individual goal. Sometimes some are stymied by what this obstacles might be – i.e. sailing around the world would be easy – while baking a twenty tier cake might be more difficult. This is where I invoke the Funny Girl song, “Don’t Rain on my Parade” and allow some others who are usually negative what it is I’m trying to accomplish and they’ll invariably rain on my parade by telling me all the reasons I cannot accomplish this goal. Then I write down what they’re saying and see what it is I’ve missed.

Now that the obstacles are written down – I need to find the solutions to each obstacle! Again the idea of eating the elephant one bite at a time works very well in effective goal setting. Once the solutions are written down – I ask whether this is still a worthwhile goal for me at this time – if the answer is yes – I validate the date of accomplishment and make any adjustments which might be needful. Then comes the fun part of writing out each goal and that is to get photos, make drawings, cut out pictures so that I can see myself accomplishing the goal(s). With this I then write affirmations to go along with the pictures and apply the act as if principle. 

This may seem like a lot of work for one or even a thousand goals – however, one will learn that some need all of these step while others do not – especially the shorter range goals after one gets used to setting more than just one or two goals in their lives. In addition having all of this written down allows you to keep track of where you are in your progress – let’s say an example might be to read 20 books – 15 non-fiction and 5 fiction over the next six months. This would mean reading just over three book a month – and you just check them off as you read them. Keeping score is very important for then you know where you are and not just where you think you are.

Okay back to the one goal which determines all other goals! Throughout the Scriptures Heavenly Father and the Son (our Lord and Savior) are constantly referring to each of us with our families coming back to live with them (if you take the Scriptures literally and haven’t been led astray that only 5% is really factual the rest can summarized in Greek Philosophy). If this is the case – which I not only believe but know to be true – then our only real goal in mortality is to return to our Heavenly Father and His Only Begotten Son with our family intact (both our progenitors and our posterity). I reference 1 Peter 3:7 where it says, Husbands and wives are heirs together forever! Or one can review the many Scriptures where the Son talks of many mansions – and there are many more – which point unerringly to our having the right if we’re worthy to become like the Father and the Son and inherit eternal life in the Celestial Kingdom with them. Paul talks of this often and well as many of the Prophets.

Thus we should each have ‘one goal’ i.e. “At the end of my mortal probation I will return to my Heavenly Father and His Only Begotten Son our Lord and Master Jesus Christ – with my extended family in the Celestial Kingdom to dwell with them for time and all eternity as an eternal family.” This is a tangible goal the Scripture tells us it is so – and we know when it will occur at the end of our mortal probation. We know the obstacles; i.e. to be found fully obedient to all of the Commandments, Statutes and Laws as set forth by the Father, the Son and their representatives here on this earth known as Prophets and Apostles (called by them only). We know the solutions to the obstacles begin and end with learning what all of the Commandments, Statutes and Laws are that were to be obedient in full with in our lives. Pictures, photos, drawings can all be made representing this return and the affirmation’s can easily be stated.

Why this one goal? This one goal is the key to the rest of our mortal lives – in that – every other goal we’ll set will either take us closer or further away from the accomplishment of this on single goal. Thus as we set the daily, monthly, yearly goals in our life the one paramount question will always be – will this bring me closer to the obedience needed or further away. We then have a simple decision tree whereby we can reject some goals out of hand – while pursuing those which bring us closer.

Dating, what to do or not do – all become quite clear – our mode of dress – what music we listen to – what movies we watch – how we obey in keeping the Sabbath Day holy – all these areas of our lives become much more simplified based on what importance we place on what the Father, the Son and the Prophets/Apostles have taught us throughout time and continue to do so today. 

Hopefully this helps one and all as we prepare for another very difficult year – and our planning and modifications we each need to make in our lives as we relate to the worldly around us.

In the name of Jesus Christ – amen  - c/ork

“One Goal”


Perhaps just a myth
these lives just time
decaying upon death
without value or love
empty as some teach
without body or parts
without emotion to feel
in total rejections to be
or just perhaps this:
Meaning and loving
Our Father preparing
places for each of us
families to be eternal
as Prophets teach
self-worth and value
moral and virtuous
eternal and forever
with accomplishing
just one goal only
to return to Father!

Copyright © 2013 – cji

December 28, 2016

"Special Children"

“Special Children”


Very polite and quiet
working on their tasks
sharing smiles and waves
working with their mother
yet able to say a hello
(being a writer help)
little girl name Delilah
full of great happiness
told me she was eight
her brother more quiet
his name Aden was nine
shared a photo for each
making time well spent
each of waiting on cars
while at the dealership
time with special children!

Copyright © 2016 – cji

"Eph. 2:19-20" (to be continued)

“Eph. 2:19-20”


What will be the foundation
of the Saviors Church found
only in Prophets/Apostles
as in the meridian of time
so will it be today as well
for God is unchanging ever
and the Son and the Father
will never confuse in anything
making clear each specification
therefore the foundation same!

(to be continued)

Copyright © 2016 – cji

"Eph. 5:23"

“Eph. 5:23”


By what name to call Church
again we turn to the Scriptures
clearly we now know the name
any other cannot be correct
semblances of the truth close
yet the Son called his Church
by his name and none other
quelling any further discussions
thus now we know the name!

Copyright © 2016 – cji

"Eph. 4:11-14" (some Scriptures)

“Eph. 4:11-14”


How can we know which Church
we read the Scriptures simple
who will organize the true Church
the Savior will organize his Church
therefore which Church is this one
checking the genealogy of each
will give us the answer clearly
may we always turn to the truth
found in Father’s words written
and also those of the Son
which is how we can know all!

Copyright © 2016 – cji

December 27, 2016

"With Those We Can Trust"

“With Those We Can Trust”


Crossing the mountain ranges
high, cold, steep passages
counting on each other always
going with those we can trust
unlike our current government
whose black hearts demented
seeking to destroy our nation
we need those who know
the meaning of freedoms
having loyalty to our allies
this means the USA first
maybe something is amiss
supporting jihad as a goal
inbred as is their beliefs
opposite of our nation
caring little for freedoms
power, wealth, greed
yet with those we can trust
maybe more corrections
of the past eight years
maybe back to America
with those we can trust!

Copyright © 2016 – cji