July 18, 2018

"Extra Miles"

“Extra Miles”
(for Ruth Lewis and
Penny and other nurses
and Aides at UF)


Nurses and aides known
for giving aid as needed
when recognized on the spot
thus my tech nurse Ruth did so
with Penny at her side
without waiting for others
seeing the problem quick
saying to me, ‘Going to hurt
stay with me no pulse’
a clot forming at wound sight
needing to be massaged
while also keeping pressure
nurse in room hearing
said quickly, ‘he’s MSG
he’ll do what you tell him’
and what seemed longer
six seven minutes pressure
massage – till a pulse felt
softness in the whole area
she stayed the course
and her ‘going to hurt’
but an understatement
going the extra miles
helping to extend life
now a friend for life
strangers but partners!

Copyright © 2018 – cji 

*Master Sgt

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