February 28, 2017

Home Teaching Message March 2017


Armed with Righteousness

First Counselor in the First Presidency
God’s prophet on earth, President Thomas S. Monson, has declared, “Today, we are encamped against the greatest array of sin, vice, and evil ever assembled before our eyes.”1
Would you be surprised to learn that President Monson uttered those words 50 years ago? If we were encamped against an unprecedented array of wickedness back then, how much more so does evil threaten us today? For good reason, the Lord has proclaimed of our dispensation, “Behold, the enemy is combined” (D&C 38:12).
The war in which “we are all enlisted”2 began before we were born on earth. It began even before the earth was created. It began many millennia ago in the premortal realm, where Satan rebelled and “sought to destroy the agency of man” (Moses 4:3).
Satan lost that battle and “was cast out into the earth” (Revelation 12:9), where he continues his war today. Here on earth “he maketh war with the saints of God, and encompasseth them round about” (D&C 76:29) with lies, deception, and temptations.
He wars against the prophets and apostles. He wars against the law of chastity and the sanctity of marriage. He wars against the family and the temple. He wars against what is good, holy, and sacred.
How do we battle such a foe? How do we fight against the evil that appears to be engulfing our world? What is our armor? Who are our allies?
The Power of the Lamb
The Prophet Joseph Smith taught that Satan has power over us only to the degree that we permit him.3 Seeing our day, Nephi “beheld the power of the Lamb of God, that it descended upon the saints of the church of the Lamb, and upon the covenant people of the Lord, who were scattered upon all the face of the earth; and they were armed with righteousness and with the power of God in great glory” (1 Nephi 14:14; emphasis added).
How do we arm ourselves with righteousness and power? We keep the Sabbath day holy and honor the priesthood. We make and keep sacred covenants, work on our family history, and attend the temple. We strive continuously to repent and plead with the Lord to “apply the atoning blood of Christ that we may receive forgiveness of our sins” (Mosiah 4:2
). We pray and serve and testify and exercise faith in Jesus Christ.

We also arm ourselves with righteousness and power as we “treasure up in [our] minds continually the words of life” (D&C 84:85). We treasure up those words by immersing ourselves in the holy scriptures and in the words of the Lord’s chosen servants, who will share His will, mind, and voice (see D&C 68:4) during next month’s general conference.
In our battle against evil, we must always remember that we have help from both sides of the veil. Our allies include God the Eternal Father, the Lord Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghost.
Our allies also include the unseen armies of heaven. “Fear not,” Elisha told a fearful young man as they faced an army of evil, “for they that be with us are more than they that be with them” (see 2 Kings 6:15–16).
We need not fear. God loves His Saints. He will never abandon us.
I know that God, in answer to prayer, has fulfilled my petitions to deliver me from evil. I testify that with the help of God the Father, the Savior of the world, and the Holy Ghost, we can be assured that we will be given more than enough power to withstand whatever evil forces we face.
May we always be armed with righteousness so that we can have confidence in the ultimate victory.
Teaching from This Message
President Eyring reminds us we are waging a war against evil. You could begin by singing “We Are All Enlisted” (Hymns, no. 250) with those you teach. Then you might invite them to share how they’ve been protected through righteousness and brainstorm ways to protect their family against Satan, such as choosing wholesome media, holding family councils, or having weekly family home evening. You might challenge them to prayerfully ponder how to build up their family’s fortifications and encourage them to create a plan to implement their ideas.

Youth:  I Had Already Decided
By Madison Thompson
The author lives in Utah, USA.
I once received a valuable lesson in a Young Women class on sexual purity—a topic that made a lot of the youth squirm in their seats. I don’t remember everything I learned that day, but I do remember my leader talking about one of her personal standards—to always remain sexually pure. Her words stayed with me, and I then made the conscious decision to adopt it as one of my own personal values.
One day as I was riding home on a bus from a sporting event, someone on the bus started a game of truth or dare. Bored, some of the other kids and I joined in. When it came to my turn, I was dared to do something that I knew wasn’t right. This could’ve been a hard decision for me to make, but the words of my Young Women leader came to my head, and the choice was easy. I quickly declined. I had already made up my mind on what I would do in that situation.
I know that when we go to church and make room for the things we are taught there, we will be blessed with greater spiritual strength and protection from the temptations of the world.


Put On Your Armor

(click to view larger)
There are a lot of bad things in the world today. The gospel is like a shield that protects us. Here are 10 things President Eyring tells us to do to protect ourselves. For each one, find the number on the picture and draw a line between the dots. Color it in when you’re done!
Keep the Sabbath day holy  Honor the priesthood  Make and keep covenants   Work on family history  Go to the temple  Repent  Pray  Serve others   Share your testimony   Read the scriptures

“Putting on the Armor”


Seems like so long ago
giving his first talk at Church
our son stood at the podium
nervous at first then assured;

Knowing his topic was true
each morning things to do
putting on the armor of God
preparing for the worlds day;

Thoughts considered in prayer
reflections of who he was
gaining his eternal mission
being armed in righteousness!

Copyright © 2017 – cji

Visiting Teaching Message March 2017


The Enabling Power of Jesus Christ and His Atonement

Prayerfully study this material and seek for inspiration to know what to share. How will understanding the purpose of Relief Society prepare daughters of God for the blessings of eternal life?

“I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me” (Philippians 4:13). “Though we all have weaknesses, we can overcome them,” says President Dieter F. Uchtdorf, Second Counselor in the First Presidency. “Indeed it is by the grace of God that, if we humble ourselves and have faith, weak things can become strong.”1
Our Savior says in the Doctrine and Covenants, “I will go before your face. I will be on your right hand and on your left, and my Spirit shall be in your hearts, and mine angels round about you, to bear you up” (D&C 84:88).
“Nephi is an example of one who knew, understood, and relied upon the enabling power of the Savior,” says Elder David A. Bednar of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles. “Nephi’s brothers bound him with cords and planned his destruction. Please note Nephi’s prayer: ‘O Lord, according to my faith which is in thee, wilt thou deliver me from the hands of my brethren; yea, even give me strength that I may burst these bands with which I am bound’ (1 Nephi 7:17; emphasis added).
“… Nephi did not pray to have his circumstances changed. Rather, he prayed for the strength to change his circumstances. And I believe he prayed in this manner precisely because he knew, understood, and had experienced the enabling power of the Atonement.
“I do not think the bands with which Nephi was bound just magically fell from his hands and wrists. Rather, I suspect he was blessed with both persistence and personal strength beyond his natural capacity, that he then ‘in the strength of the Lord’ (Mosiah 9:17
) worked and twisted and tugged on the cords, and ultimately and literally was enabled to break the bands.”2

Additional Scriptures and Information

Faith Family Relief

Consider This

How can the enabling power of Jesus Christ and His atoning sacrifice help our weaknesses be made strong?

“Of Power for Us”


Provided by a loving Savior
every needful blessing
when found obedient in tune
of most importance ‘Grace’
the Savior gift of power
picking up from where we are
doing all we can do in truth
then enters ‘Grace=Power’
to go beyond our abilities
while learning and growing
doing His Father’s will
of power for us always
each step; each thought
each action; each mission!

Copyright © 2017 – cji

February 27, 2017




Bee flying around inside
tried to encourage it out
finally like a spoiled child
anger taking over reason
buzzing louder and louder
(today cursing and swearing)
finally going too far stinging
stopped trying to get it out
left inside windows closed
much like the entitled brat
coming back days later
dried up and dead on desk
much like those found today
still taking nourishment
while brain dead from lies
music, msm, video, movies
all negative and persuasive
killing the spirit to any reason
stinging those who help
stinging those who help!

Copyright © 2017 – cji

February 26, 2017




Lying beyond the further reaches
some define it as unknown space
no matter how far another can reach
just beyond there’s more to discover
called indifference and many live there
neither here nor anywhere near reality
just out there beyond reach’s reason
seemingly indifferent to their actions
unaccountable to any moral ethics
breathing and cohabitating there
believing this is all there is to be
a reality of void and indifference!

Copyright © 2017 – cji

February 25, 2017

"Breaking Dawn"

“Breaking Dawn”


Clear crisp breaking dawn
pushing away the nightness
bringing forth hope and faith
knowledge, light and warmth
awareness for the very few
understanding transitional light
opportunities to begin anew
calling upon Father via the Son
humbling one’s being sincerely
welcoming the Sabbath Day
and then every day – as one
seeing the blessings honestly
clear crisp and unwavering!

Copyright © 2017 – cji

February 24, 2017

(5) "A Child's Innocence" (to be continued)

“A Child’s Innocence”
Wanting to play in the snow
unseeing the damage done
carefully pushing some aside
treasures to be found beneath
here is yesterday’s flower
their a toy forgetting then
a child’s innocence pure
as the whiteness of the snow
soft and malleable to touch
enjoying dreams awake!

Copyright © 2017 – cji

(to be continued)

(4) "Tracks in the Snow"

“Tracks in the Snow”
Smooth appearing gone
broken the snow’s blanket
tracks of many in place
first the small animals
then the humans hurry
zoot replacing purity
much as the world’s soul
forgetting about the truth
forgetting the whiteness pure
now reminders only left
tracks in the snow!

Copyright © 2017 – cji

(3) "Sun Rising"

“Sun Rising”
Hearing the dripping of ice
melting snow now to flow
causing rivers to rise
runoff in the street as well
what once was a picture
now blending into collage
trains of though disrupted
sun rising causing warmth
while still the chill in air
emotions of chemicals
changing snow to water
ice to dripping sounds
silently observed now!

Copyright © 2017 – cji

(2) "Then Movement"

“Then Movement”
First the chattering of birds
maybe an engine to start
already some snowmobiles
others scraping cars off
stillness no longer pure
then movement of life
again transcending quiet
breaking apart the illusion
back into the realities
trials and tribulations today
facing each day alive
facing each day alive!

Copyright © 2017 – cji

(1) "Opening"

The morning dawns bright
glare of the snowy icing
fallen the night just past
silent as we slept fitfully
some more restful known
while a child in innocence
awakening – opening
into the whiteness there
snow covering everything
our minds beholding
lithographs once seen!

Copyright © 2017 – cji

"Within Whiteness" (Prologue)

“Within Whiteness”


Wherein lies purity clear
while only a covering
lingering during winter
maybe more for the eye
illusions of what might be
carrying one beyond
mortal limitations of life
seeking to know truth
pure, clear in whiteness!)

Copyright © 2017 – cji

February 23, 2017

"I Am Bound"

“I Am Bound”


Wonder of the price eternal
what does obedience cost
‘If you love me – keep my
Commandments (all of them)’
where are we found thus
bound in a covenant eternal
or forever without promise
should we decide with reason
which course we’re to take
Babylon’s Road or Zion’s
for the Savior is Bound
and thus His Father too
if we’re obedient fully
knowing the price full well!

Doctrine and Covenants 82:10 
I, the Lord, am bound when
ye do what I say;
but when ye do not what I say,
ye have no promise.

Copyright © 2017 – cji