September 2, 2016

(12) "Take Time to Ponder" (to be continued)

“Take Time to Ponder”
Each of these are found in Scriptures
were taught by the Savior/Apostles
in deed all Prophets taught these
every since the days of Adam/Eve
before and after the Great Flood
literally taken the Bible teaches all
(while translations-transmissions
have caused many errors within)
men/women claim the right to change
claiming to know more than God
either the Father or the Son
teaching Greek Philosophy
mixed with minimal doctrine
gathering crowds for pelf
having tv programs many
while most understand not
either not wanting to learn
or to teach the truth real
or unable to break traditions
returning to common sense
and the teachings of Father
the Son (our Savior)
and their Apostles/Prophets!

(to be continued)

Copyright © 2016 – cji

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