March 26, 2012




Walking into the darkness
feeling ones way about
unafraid and undaunted
slipping and falling fast
deepening the crevasse
till senses no longer thrill
the pretender of the skill
must into a death pass
understanding at last
lies he/she so flaunted
none to hear them shout
lost amid the darkness!

Copyright © 2012 – cji

March 25, 2012

“Mincing as Foxes”

“Mincing as Foxes”


Pretending to be wise
sneaking and preying
luring the weak ones
beguiling with wisdom
foolish and confusing
pretending at wisdom
calling themselves sons
to worldly gods praying
pretending truth as lies!

Copyright © 2012 – cji


Hi – this is a subject which continues to return in various conversations and with varying understandings. i.e. being ‘Saved’ – thus my humble attempt at making it simple and plain – as you know I seldom use references but all that is below comes from the Scriptures and my guess would be has all been written by others in the same manner – c/ork

“We are only to trust in Jesus and God and what He said will happen to the righteous - SAVED - from the end result.” Please clarify this?

Actually ‘Saved’ is applied to everyone who achieved a mortal body – and don’t commit either Murder (shedding of innocent blood) or deny the Holy Ghost. Only those who’ve been baptized and received the Gift of the Holy Ghost can deny him – so other than members of the Church – only the first – murder applies.

It’s not quite that simple but close – smile. If someone professes a belief – in Jesus Christ – then they’re by definition saved from outer darkness as is anyone who’s never heard of Jesus Christ who’s had a body in mortality been saved. This is the result of the Atonement – it included anyone and everyone born into mortality! Thus to be ‘saved’ is only the beginning of the journey to the Celestial Kingdom – the very beginning!

‘Saved’ means to be able to not go into outer darkness (or originally to remove eternal death as a result in the fall of Adam and Eve) – and thus not join Satan and his followers. None of Satan’s followers are ‘saved’. However, by murdering someone deliberately one forfeits the gift of the Atonement. Being ‘saved’ is literally universal – however, where one will end up is not either universal or guaranteed to be the Celestial Kingdom. There are other Kingdoms – of lesser degrees and within the Celestial Kingdom we know of at least three degrees. The highest kingdom within the Celestial is to be as an eternal family – having been sealed by one having authority while in mortality or the millennium of one thousand years. (Note: there are scriptural references for all of what I’m writing.)

The righteous by the designation – judged by the Son (for this Earth) and the Apostles responsible – would of course then be ‘saved’. However, how the world defines righteousness and how the Savior defines it are two different things. The Gospel says, “If you love me – keep my Commandments” – all of them and there are more than ten – many more. Thus professing to love the Father and the Son – require proof of behavior – action and thoughts not just the ‘lip service’ – of saying you do and then doing what you want. Love requires being obedient to the Will of the Father – which is obedience to the Commandment found in the fullness of the Gospel of his Son – Jesus Christ.

However, for those who’ve never heard of the Father and the Son – which are most of the mortals who’ve ever lived on this earth or will live on this earth – they have not had this opportunity and therefore cannot be held to this standard while in mortality. They however will hear the Gospel during the Millennium and will choose as they would’ve chosen while in mortality to accept or reject the Gospel of Jesus Christ – but if they’ve not committed murder – will still be ‘saved’ into one of the many Kingdoms prepared for the mortals of this world.

Thus one can see more is required of those who know more than those who do not. Those who can read and write – reason and have had access to the Bible and all of the other Scriptures and have accepted or denied – will be accountable for their decisions as to where they’ll end up in eternal worlds. One must discern what they are feeling when they feel the Spirit of the Lord – to discern truth or deceit – and how they choose to adjust their lives – physically and mentally. The Spirit of the Lord is available to all men and women born in mortality – the Gift of the Holy Ghost has to be conferred by one having authority from the Father – for in only this way can the Holy Ghost be given to an individual. Therefore while all come into this world with the light or Spirit of the Lord – they can choose to allow the light to grow or to diminish. However, only those who’ve been Baptized by one having Authority into the Church of Jesus Christ – can have the opportunity to receive the Gift of the Holy Ghost – which comes from the Father through the Priesthood.

Article of Faith 4 We believe that the first principles and aordinances of the Gospel are: first, bFaith in the Lord Jesus Christ; second, cRepentance; third, dBaptism by eimmersion for the fremission of sins; fourth, Laying on of ghands for the hgift of the Holy Ghost.

When Paul went to Ephesus he found 12 men who had been baptized, but they had not yet received the Holy Ghost. They said to Paul, “We have not so much as heard whether there be any Holy Ghost” (Acts 19:2).
What happened next is significant. Paul had them baptized again. Then he conferred upon them, by the laying on of hands, the gift of the Holy Ghost (see Acts 19:2–7).

Remember the fourth article of faith: “The first principles and ordinances of the Gospel are: first, Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ; second, Repentance; third, Baptism by immersion for the remission of sins; fourth, Laying on of hands for the gift of the Holy Ghost.”
Remember what Joseph Smith said: “You might as well baptize a bag of sand as a man, if not done in view of the remission of sins and getting of the Holy Ghost. Baptism by water is but half a baptism, and is good for nothing without the other half—that is, the baptism of the Holy Ghost.”
Thus to receive the Gift of the Holy Ghost one has have Faith – Repent – Baptism (by immersion by one having authority) and then can they receive the Gift of the Holy Ghost. It is then and only then that one can reject this gift – and to do so is to lose all. This is why apostasy can only come within the Church and not from without. Those who’ve received the Gift of the Holy Ghost and then reject it – deny it – make a willing and knowing choice to do so. This in no way means that someone who’s excommunicated has denied the Holy Ghost – as many of those found in such a situation have not done so – but those who actively go out and teach/preach against the truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and his Church and his Prophets – have done so and will have to account for having done such.
Being ‘saved’ has become more of a buzz word within the worldly body of Christianity – in that it takes part of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and ignores the rest of the requirements and what is possible after having this beginning. Most think that all is needed is to be ‘saved’ – nothing more – but this is not what the Bible or other Scriptures teach or have taught. So in addressing being ‘saved’ – yes if one is born into mortality – reaches the age of accountability – they’ve been ‘saved’ as long as they don’t commit murder via the Atonement of the Savior Jesus Christ. This isn’t just applicable to those who call themselves Christians – but to all born in mortality. Thus, in the teachings of the Gospel of Jesus Christ very few will be going into outer darkness – or what the world refers to as Hell – while most all will be going to the Kingdoms so spoken by Paul and others.
During this writing I’ve failed to mention those under the age of eight years old or those who are unable to reason due to illness – these are addressed in the Scriptures – and are automatically ‘saved’ into eternal life in the highest degree of glory. This is a reference to a talk given by Bruce R. McConkie in 1978 “Salvation of Little Children” and is recommended to be read by all. I’ll add one quote: “Speaking of the Prophet’s statement that all children are saved in the celestial kingdom, President Joseph Fielding Smith said: “This would mean the children of every race. All the spirits that come to this world come from the presence of God and, therefore, must have been in his kingdom. … Every spirit of man was innocent in the beginning; and all who rebelled were cast out; therefore, all who remained are entitled to the blessings of the gospel.” (Doctrines of Salvation, 2:55.)”
Hopefully this helps answer and clarify the idea of being “saved” – c/ork


Saved from eternal death
given freedom of choice
one more additional breath
the opportunity to rejoice;

Jesus Christ who gave all
provided justice’s full price
obeying His Father’s call
the eternities to splice;

His Atonement required
for us to have our choice
this the reason so sired
the eternities to rejoice!

Copyright © 2012 – cji

March 24, 2012

"To Be Found" (an short essay)

Question: You said (wrote), "Father has told his Son and his Son the Prophets of where we’re to be found,” what does this mean?

My Reply: Over the millennia of time the Father and the Son have spoken to their Prophets whether on this Earth – in the Pre-existence or on other worlds. These Prophets have then been given the responsibility and authority to teach, instruct, counsel, command, warn, discipline, and to direct the children of men on/in this world of their accountability. In this world which we call Earth – it has almost always been the Son who’s communed with the Prophets – and thus the Church is respectively called – His Church – or the Church of Jesus Christ and currently The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. This communication is known as Continued Revelation – and can either be done in face to face – by messengers – or in visions. We know of each of these occurring in all of the Scriptures which still exist today throughout this world. This pattern is constant and true – for God is the same yesterday, today and forever.

The ‘where we’re to be found’ is included in every one of the Revelations – while some may be meant for a more specific group than another. These groups can be identified in various ways – but to simplify (which is always dangerous) – Christians – Non-Christians – which would be those who either profess a belief in Jesus Christ or they deny such a person or being. The Jews – would be another group – and then those who believe in a Supreme Being but cannot or do not clearly identify him/her or accept continued Revelations or better the communion between Deity and a man/woman. The last and the largest group would be those who’ve never heard of Jesus Christ and in their lifetimes of mortality are likely never to hear about him. Each of these groups would be accounted for those who’ve already lived and died while on this Earth.

Now for our greater understanding – the Christians are broken down into several groups – i.e. those who believe literally and those who do not – and finally those who don’t know which to believe. Addressing the second group first – those who don’t know what to believe or do not believe the Bible literally we call the various man-woman-made churches found in abundance around the world – today. Each of these has in common several things: first; the heavens are closed and the Holy Bible is all that is needed. Second; that there is a Jesus Christ – but with a belief in the Creeds of their particular faith he is undefinable. Third; there is no more current need for either a Prophet or Apostles or Continued Revelations. And finally, fourth; Anyone who does not believe in their assembled Creeds cannot be a Christian.

The group which do believe the Holy Bible literally (as long as correctly translated) are a very small group within the Christian community in that the remainder of Christians are told that they are not Christians at all but only a cult. To accept the Holy Bible literally means just that – what it says and what the Prophets and Apostles and the Savior and his Father have taught are literally true! Thus when the Savior says he is the Son of God – he means just that! When the heavens open and the Father says, “Behold this is my beloved Son in whom I’m well pleased,” we believe it is the Father speaking and not the Son. When Stephen or others say they saw the Heavens open and saw Jesus standing on the Right Hand of the Father – it is believed! That when the Savior says he goes to prepare a mansion for us – that is what he is going to do. That when it is said, “Husbands and wives are to be heirs together forever,” that is exactly what it means. That when the Prophets and Apostles are given the authority to ‘Seal on Earth what will be Sealed in Heaven’ that this is the marriage covenant made in the Temple of the Lord – for time and all eternity.

The main group or church which falls into believing the Bible literally is The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Thus by taking the Bible literally (as many of the translators had in mind when translating and sacrificing their very lives) the Gospel of Jesus Christ becomes quite simplified – such as a parent would want to teach their children to be able to return onto them and to be righteous. It is also significant that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints – was restored to this Earth by the Father and the Son in 1820 – with their visit to Joseph Smith, Jr. outside of Palmyra New York. This fulfilled the Scriptures wherein the Apostles asked the Savior when he would return – and his reply was, “When he who sent me – comes with me again.” Thus, again – the heavens opened and Joseph Smith, Jr. saw two personages standing above him – one calling the other by name saying, “This is my beloved Son, hear ye him.”

This then comes to where we should be found – and how do we know it applies to us individually? When the Church was restored by the Father and the Son through Joseph Smith, Jr. called as a Prophet – he was given much to do. First, he translated the Book of Mormon – a second testimony of Jesus Christ and a record of those people who’d left the Middle East to come to the Americas. He then kept a record of all of the Revelations given to him and others (in his presence) called the Doctrine and Covenants. Next, he was given the task of editing the Old and New Testaments and then when presented with materials from Egypt (tomb robbers) he was able to translate the following: The Book of Moses and The Book of Abraham – to which he added his first vision and testimony and is called the Pearl of Great Price. Each of these Scriptures are for the sole purpose to give mankind instructions and edification into further light and knowledge to be able to return to our Heavenly Father once more.

Thus we should be found studying these Scriptures and applying them in our lives – this is both self-study and within groups. We should be seeking in prayer (individual) for our personal revelation which is needful for us to know what we should be doing and not doing. We should be found clean (morally and physically); truthful in all things; in the service of others righteously; living in full and perfect compliance with the multiple commandments from a loving God; and then doing as the Savior did by both example and practice – entering into baptism by one having authority (not from man but from God) – becoming worthy to attend the House of the Lord (or the Holy Temple) and striving to become as the Son – which he commanded us to do.

We should learn to accept the Scriptures literally – studying them out – to see what it is we need to know more fully. The Lord has said, “If you love me – keep my Commandments,” and this is what we should be about doing and found being. One can only do this if they study the Scriptures and know literally what these commandments are. We do know this that if one were to keep the first two great commandments – then they would be in obedience with all of the commandments. We also know that some need more guidance than others – while some need less – interestingly those who need less seek to know more – and therefore study more – and pray more for understanding.

Now nothing said above has not been said before – all is repetitive to one who seeks the clarity of the Scriptures – and to know the Will of the Father and the Son. It’s all very simple and understandable. There is no secret key – or hidden agendas – which the worldly would want one to believe – and understand there is no worldly cost involved – unless one considers that those who strive to do what is right for the right reason – will be attacked by the worldly – as was our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. One who loves the Father and the Son – i.e. keeps all of the commandments willingly and humbly – is loved by the Father and the Son and hated by the worldly. In these the latter-days – it will become worse for the righteous among the wicked (even those who are moderately so found).

The Prophets have told us what to expect in these Latter-days – Isaiah – Jeremiah – Mormon – Alma – Nephi – Samuel – Paul – John – Peter – Nahum – Malachi – Moses – Abraham – and those who live today – even Thomas S. Monson – and those who preceded him since the Restoration of the Church in these latter-days. Knowing what to expect – has also taught us how to prepare – and what we should be doing and where we should be found.

Many years ago – several things happened in my life – and I had choices to make. First, I had to decide if the Church was true – and if it was – why should I attend? This I found to be true – and I attended because the Church was true and not because of those who were there – I attended because it was true – everything else would take care of itself (and it has). Second, I was asked if I’d been offended yet? To which my instant reply was – ‘No one can offend me unless I choose to be offended,’ and I added, “unless one attacks my integrity or my families – then I will not be offended but I will do all in my power to correct the situation.” Some think me as hard because I don’t really care if anyone likes or dislikes me – loves or hates me – what I do care about is truth – and my covenants with Heavenly Father – and his love and his Son’s love for me. That it is nicer and easier to get along with those who like/love than those who dislike/hate – there is no doubt – but what matters most is to be found where I belong – doing what I’m to be doing – for the right reasons and in the right ways.

In the name of Jesus Christ – amen – c/ork

“To Be Found”


(It’s the Sabbath Day
where are you today?
are you on your knees
bent in humble prayer?
Does your day begin/end
this way on every day?)

Thus was the Son sent
showing us each the way
our Sabbath to be spent
with his suffering to pay;

To be found in obedience
honoring his Father always
growing into pure innocence
each our paths never strays;

The instructions found in full
Scriptures plan and clear
to be found light to know
when the veil is very sheer!

Copyright © 2012 – cji

March 23, 2012




Sadly and fore lonely
many just slipping away
forgetting who they were
why they are here today
and where the might go;

Many simply a no show
relinquishing their way
renouncing all to occur
prices unwillingly to pay
lost in themselves only;

Surrendering to the bad
seeking happiness lost
denying what they knew
into nothingness grew
abnegating and tossed
impoverished and sad!

Copyright © 2012 – cji

March 22, 2012

“Metal of Crossed Wires”

“Metal of Crossed Wires”


Dipping into the resources
time evading the confusion
remembering at least once
not sure of the remainder
having been there done that
seems redundant to know
while having been awarded
a metal of crossed wires
forgetting what it was for
seem dislogical to recall
what never might be there
at least in original form
be it December so soon?

Copyright © 2012 – cji

“Pissing on the Dead”

“Pissing on the Dead”


Just a lark of time known
something to remember
when cold months shown
we’ve come to December;

Latter than anyone to think
desecration of all that’s good
doing what other’s should
when terrorism’s evil link;

Pride without any truths
huffing and puffing fools
nothing more than tools
arming women and youths;

Pissing on the dead to do
a peaceful nation called
no violence to be stalled
mirrors and illusions true!

Copyright © 2012 – cji

“Many a Dark Day”

“Many a Dark Day”


Lights blocked out
curtains pulled tight
quiet and silence
awaiting and aware
yet alone in the dark
knowing others about
but without the light
unable to see/touch
such is the fear born
unless peace is felt
on knees found knelt
feeling Father’s touch
warm and inviting truth
wherein able to endure
many a dark day!

Copyright © 2012 – cji

March 21, 2012




Badly shaken about
tossed and tumbled
confused in reverse
unable to even shout;

Mistaken in their clout
their logic is inverse
their decisions bumbled
PC causing major doubt!

Copyright © 2012 – cji

March 20, 2012

Our Eternal Life

Our Eternal Life
Many of us spend our lives looking for something to hold on to, something that will last. We look for ways to avoid aging or to become famous or rich. But we eventually realize that mortal life is temporary. Friends and family members grow old and die, the famous are soon forgotten, and wealth is lost as quickly as it is won.
Our hope and happiness lie in knowing who we are, where we came from, and where we can go. We are eternal beings, spirit children of an eternal God. Our lives can be compared to a three-act play: premortal life (before we came to earth), mortal life (our time here on earth), and postmortal life (where we go after we die). God has had a plan for our lives since the beginning of the first act—a plan that, if followed, provides comfort and guidance now, as well as salvation and eternal happiness in our postmortal life.
Understanding the following can help us live a happier life now and in eternity.
God Is Our Father
God is the Father of our spirits. We are created in His image. We have a divine nature and destiny.
We Lived with God
Before we were born, we lived with God, the Father of our spirits. All persons on earth are literally brothers and sisters in the family of God.
Earth Life Is Part of God's Plan
Our life on earth has purpose. Coming to earth is part of God's plan for us to gain a physical body and learn to choose between good and evil.
Jesus Christ Is the Way
Our Heavenly Father sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to be our Savior and show us the way to live according to God's plan.
We Can Find Happiness
Following God's plan for us is the surest way to find happiness and endure life's challenges.
We Can Live with God Again
Our lives will not end when we die. Our future lives are determined by the way we live our lives now.
“Eternal Life”


Some study for mortality
seeking wealth or power
education for today need
forgetting about the eternal;

Led into confusion natural
worldly lessons to heed
forgetting of the flower
just the now of mortality;

Yet the Scriptures teach
to know to plan forever
the eternal life of all
if they study of the truth;

This is true for old or youth
hearing the clarion call
simple and never clever
the eternities thus to reach!

Copyright © 2012 – cji

March 19, 2012

“Make Believe”

“Make Believe”


No more need for truth
using fiction of the world
molding thought/action
accountable for teaching
not with heroes or heroines
but with fables and tales
taught as doctrine false
yet believed as if true
reading over and over
as if in a trance of spirit
a world of make believe
from pulpits to campus
from parents to children
better than reality found
taken literally as truth
while the Scriptures not
and by most convenient
to make seem so true
while basically forgot!

Copyright © 2012 – cji

March 7, 2012

Yet every now and then seen

Yet every now and then seen
acts of class and not death
wherein lives are sparred
someone thinking first
instead of a bloody thirst
moments usually not shared
exhaling collective breath
understandings to glean!

Copyright © 2012 – cji

March 6, 2012




Infestations of the world
AIDS and other STD’s
nothing left to imagine
all left to be destroyed
thoughts of innocence
thoughts of forgiveness
thoughts of purification
seemingly lost to most
sadly forgotten obedience
giving into this the day
unable to be cleansed
except in the burning!

Copyright © 2012 – cji

March 5, 2012

“Of the Gift”

“Of the Gift”


Often times expected
birthdays and holidays
yet really not the same
when thinking in eternity
for thus is the idea found
of the gift of life forever
which is both earned
and yet seen as a gift;

When one has a veil lift
and truth fully discerned
then ties never to sever
in obedience thus bound
heading into the eternity
knowing life is not a game
where one humbly prays
repentant and accepted!

Copyright © 2012 – cji

March 4, 2012

“Dougie Dug”

“Dougie Dug”


Spinning into the dreams
utter darkness – utter light
beyond comprehension
yet in a type reality there
playing in a band tone deaf
singing lyrics yet unwritten
to melodies yet unknown
digging into tunnels lost
crawling into corners past
feeling of the rains chill
hearing screams shrill
switching screens fast
sweating hot the cost
into delirium grown
all important smitten
scaling the highest clef
with none else to share
extreme now the tension
all found blackness or light
awakening into screams!


Dougie dug into scenes
unreal and flashing red
forests and marshes all
firefights and ambushes
destruction without end
seeking just one friend
over cliffs one pushes
another starts to call
but nothing left unsaid
in the mind’s screens!)

Copyright © 2012 – cji

March 3, 2012




Taking accountability today
this the Sabbath Day true
answering to Father’s call
doing His will commanded
understanding of His love
and if it be so ours to Him;

Raising voices in a hymn
towards the heavens above
review is thus demanded
whether we’ll rise or fall
Celestial worlds to view
of our obedience today!

Copyright © 2012 – cji

March 2, 2012




Brilliant in the mind
remembered with fear
sometimes with hatred
others with warning
highways aflame
forests and mountains
valleys and canyons
nothing ever the same
licking and devouring
seared into the living
what once was alive
torched and desolate
fires within the mind!

Copyright © 2012 – cji

March 1, 2012

“Moving Obstacles”

“Moving Obstacles”


So many different kinds
scattered within our paths
some seen and removed
others unseen and hidden
needing another’s help
while some we’ve to move
for others thus to pass
uncomplainingly to work
helping others and self
moving obstacles away
opening opportunities
for each and all today!

Copyright © 2012 – cji

“Basic Text”

“Basic Text”


If one could only read
requires to thus see
or even just to hear
opening up their senses
to the feelings of truths
learned even as youths
though Celestial senses
putting away their fear
the basic text to be
the Scriptures to heed!

Copyright © 2012 – cji