July 7, 2012

“Wanting the US to Fail”

“Wanting the US to Fail” 

One must always remember there are those who want the US to fail – the implantation of the UN was a step in that direction – the direct election of Senators – the Federal Reserve System – killing JFK – and among them are the very rich – who feel they can run the world – only problem is Russia and China think they can run the world – and Islam thinks it is supposed to rule the world!  None really believe in God or the Son – but their faith is in their wealth and power.  Power is far more important than wealth. Power only feeds on getting more power.  Then they again need more power – and thus once they’ve controlled their small domains they look for bigger ones!  The only thing left is the world.  

The key to controlling the world is through the US (or America).  There are no detours or other alternatives the US has to fail!  The resilience of the free enterprise system to rebound and produce is beyond any other nation in the world.  The idea of freedom – is born and bred into most Americans.  Even though our schools, media, movies, tv, music and other alternative distractions work 24/7 to destroy the ideas implicit in freedom – enough Americans get the idea and carry it on. 

How can others overthrow or destroy the United States of America?  It has to have help from within – there have to be spies, traitors, and government officials willing to commit treason. Externally most of the pieces are in place; terrorism, control of the UN Security Council, Cuba, Mexico, Oil Prices, the unrestricted flow of illegals across our borders, the shameless mass meetings of other nations rallying with money and other support to alien groups within the US.  At times our media, tv, movies, music, etc. sound more like Communism and Socialism than the nations who’ve adopted and failed with these systems.  Thus the infiltration of the US has been ongoing since prior to 1900 – and continues unabated today from outside the USA.

However, it’s inside the USA that the biggest strides have been made since 1960 to present.  The leaning to the far left by our schools of higher education is where much begins.  The lack of providing an alternative to the racism/hatred/low self-esteem and general conditions in our inner-cities is disgraceful.  However, those who could do the most to help turn this status around foster the racism/hatred/low self-esteem in order to maintain their power position in the various communities by blaming others especially the white middle class.  One need only understand where most of the illegal aliens will go when getting into the US – to the inner-cites where they can organize and become lost at the same time.  Then we must consider the Political Correctness which has strangled our nation’s ability to enforce laws already on the books thus stagnating our legal system and order founded upon the Constitution. 

One of the greatest in-roads to the destruction of the US came from those who’ve sworn to uphold the Constitution.  They instead change what is not broken – and worse they did it to take away from both the states and people a balanced House of Representatives and Senate.  Senators used be appointed by the states!  This gave the states control over their senators – to take them out of their office when they no longer had the best interest of the states and their population.  The House and the Senate pushed through legislation and an Amendment to the Constitution to allow for the direct election of the Senate.  Thus with the direct election of Senators now all of the parts of government could now be purchased for a price.  This meant anyone with enough money and the media to push them can get elected. NYS is the worst – as anyone can move in claim residency and run for Senator – i.e. Clinton, Kennedy – etc.  Outside of NY City neither of the two mentioned even knew there was more to NY.  With the direct election of Senators – only the big cities within any state now controlled the political position of the state without any checks or controls! 

Thus direct election of Senators severely damned the US – and those who pushed it – knew it would happen – the downfall of the US started shortly after Jefferson defeated Adams!  Slowly and surely from that time on moneyed interests took over.  Every depression has been man-made in the US – with the rich getting richer and the poor splitting what is left over.  Every war has been power motivated – even the Civil War – with states’ rights and specialized interests.  The Spanish American War was so blatantly false – WWI and WWII did not have to occur.  Had nations stepped in to assist China and most of Europe Hitler and the Japanese would never had gotten off of the ground.  Our president knew of the Japanese Attack planned on Pearl Harbor and so did the Russians (our allies). 

Vietnam could’ve been over before it was started and would’ve been but for JFK being shot – and LBJ turning it into a money-maker for himself and family.  What’s going on today could’ve been settled for our role at the beginning with support given to the separatist states – via religion (or what they call religion from the get go.

But men/women who want power need warfare – they joy in it – for without warfare they’ve to be accountable and responsible – and of course the adversary just delights in the contention, lying, beguiling, deception, rhetoric and evil inherit in warfare.  Men/women are most afraid if they’re wrong about Heavenly Father and His Son our Lord and Savior – and surely they never want to find out.  They hire and pay their ministers – send them to theology schools to learn the proper rhetoric – and pay them well!  And they are not under any circumstances allowed to teach the Bible literally (and of course this has been going on since the 2nd Century in what is known as Christianity – and in Greek Philosophy since Socrates had to drink the Hemlock.  Islam is a political catch-all for those who want to have a different type of power – one filled with hatred, lust and greed. 

There is no middle ground – either one is on the Lord’s side – or they are not!  And those who seek to destroy the US, our Freedom’s and the worlds are not on the Lord’s side!  However, knowing the Prophets allows one and all to understand in simple terms what is going on today.  Without the Scriptures and the Prophets/Apostles one hasn’t a clue or better doesn’t want to have a clue.  This is even the good Christians and others deny the Dead Sea Scrolls and the Living Prophet today and the living Apostles and that the Savior and the Father have restored their Church again on this earth.

Of two things we can be absolutely sure: first, that the Church will never again be removed from this earth as long as there is one righteous member; and second, things will continue to get much worse – so bad in fact that one cannot imagine how bad it will be.  One must be found obedient to the Word or God – all of the Work (not just pick and choose) and that they must read and pray and study on their own without paying someone else to do it for them which way to go as there again are only two.  The road to Zion and the road to Babylon!  One can be carnal with the world and worldly or they can be peculiar, have integrity, read the clear teachings of the Scriptures, and then choose to follow the Savior and His Restored Church. Those who choose to be worldly will find the evil ahead livable and justifiable.  Those who choose to follow the Savior will find trials, tribulations and tests exceeded only by Abraham and most will be equal to his.  Repeated often in the Scriptures is the idea and message of being able to endure to the end (or death).  Many say they cannot and therefore reject what the Savior has taught them.  Many will say I don’t have to do anything but believe and anything else doesn’t matter.  This is a lie!  It is only after all we can do – that the Grace of God helps us out and along.  As James stated, “Faith without works is dead.” 

Back to the power and the powerful – they’ve nothing to do with what has been written above – their religion is that everything has a price – and they’ve the money to pay the price whatever the cost is.  And in surveys it’s been found that most will do anything for money – even kill, sell their spouse, children and themselves into slavery if the price is right.  Every day in the media we see where of the aforementioned are done on an almost daily basis.

Let’s again understand to ruin America – is to ruin all freedom in the world!  Without the US there will be no freedom left – no other nation can defend themselves without the US as an ally.  Until the American Revolution there was extremely limited freedom in the world if any at all.  Each nation had class systems – dictators, kings, queens, czars, despots, emperors, clerics, and whatever else amounted to the various forms of government in the world prior to 1776.  There was no real freedom throughout the world before the United States – there were classes and privileges – but not per se’ uniform freedoms. Thus if one can destroy the US from within or from without or both – then the powerful will have won denying people freedom.  Will this happen – the powerful think so – the Chinese think so – the Russians think so – and the Muslims think so!  The Prophets and Apostles on behalf of the Savior disagree! 

“Wanting the US to Fail”


Gathering up on different sides
hungrily – ravenously waiting
all nations solemnly debating
of their who ultimately abides;

Wanting the US to fail soon
driving in nail after nail hard
dividing and deploying shard
in sheer ecstasy to swoon;

Unwilling to commit treason
thinking they’ll be on top
unknowingly unable to stop
irrationally as is their reason!

Copyright © 2012 – cji

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