March 31, 2014

Visiting Teaching Message April 2014

The Divine Mission of Jesus Christ: Light of the World

This is part of a series of Visiting Teaching Messages featuring aspects of the mission of the Savior.
As we come to understand that Jesus Christ is the Light of the World, we will increase our faith in Him and become a light to others. Christ testified of His role as “the true light that lighteth every man [and woman] that cometh into the world” (D&C 93:2) and asked that we “hold up [His] light that it may shine unto the world” (3 Nephi 18:24).
Our prophets have also testified of the Light of Christ. President Henry B. Eyring, First Counselor in the First Presidency, said: “Each time you choose to try to live more like the Savior, you will have your testimony strengthened. You will come in time to know for yourself that He is the Light of the World. … You will reflect to others the Light of Christ in your life.”1
Elder Quentin L. Cook of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles said of our being a light to the world: “We need to protect our families and be at the forefront together with all people of goodwill in doing everything we can to preserve light, hope, and morality in our communities.”2

From the Scriptures

From Our History

Latter-day Saint women today continue to hold up their light.
On the 80th floor of a high-rise in Hong Kong, China, a single sister with physical disabilities—the only Latter-day Saint in her family—created a home that was a haven where she and visitors could feel the influence of the Spirit. She kept her scriptures, her Relief Society manuals, and her hymnbook nearby. She traveled to the temple to perform ordinances for her ancestors.3
In Brazil a righteous mother raised her children in the light of the gospel. Primary songs filled the air in her red brick home, and pictures from theLiahona of temples, prophets of God, and the Savior covered the walls. She and her husband sacrificed to be sealed in the temple so their children could be born in the covenant. Her constant prayer was that the Lord would help her bring up her children in the light, truth, and strength of the gospel.4

What Can I Do?

1.    Discuss what it means to be a light to the world today.
2.    Ponder how following the Light of Christ helps you endure trials.

“Holding Up Our Light”


Projecting a safe pathway
allowing others thus to see
highlighting obstacles hidden
making passage possible safe
understanding our service
duty to those who we know
and to those who we don’t
holding up our light for all
for our light if held up high
is that of the Father’s light
as the tower beacon seen
shinning into the darkness
allowing all others to see
a safe pathway projected!

Copyright © 2014 – cji

Home Teaching Message April 2014

A Firmly Set Anchor


Second Counselor in the First Presidency

Not long ago I had the opportunity to sail on a great ship along the marvelous coast of Alaska, USA. While the captain prepared for the ship’s overnight stay in a remote pristine bay, he carefully evaluated the location and circumstances, such as the sequence of the tides, depth of the waters, and distance from dangerous obstacles. When satisfied, he dropped anchor so that the ship would remain safe and firmly anchored, allowing the passengers an opportunity to marvel at the spectacular beauty of God’s creations.
As I was looking at the coastline, I began to realize that the ship was drifting almost imperceptibly with the slightest amount of wind and underlying current. Nevertheless, the ship stayed firmly and persistently within a fixed circle defined by the length of the anchor line and the strength of the anchor.
The captain had not kept the anchor stored on the ship, ready to be lowered only if a storm should approach. No, he had anchored the vessel as a preventive measure and protected the ship from moving into unsafe waters or slowly drifting aground while passengers and crew felt safe.
As I was contemplating this scene, it occurred to me that if this wasn’t an opportunity for a parable, I had never piloted an airplane.

Why We Need Anchors

The purpose of an anchor is to keep a ship safe and secure at a desired location or to help control the ship during bad weather. However, to accomplish these vital purposes, just having an anchor is not enough. The anchor must be solid, dependable, and used properly at the right time and place.
Individuals and families need anchors as well.
Adversity can come as a great storm to blow us off course and threaten to cast us against the rocks. But sometimes we are also in danger when everything appears to be safe—the winds soft and the waters smooth. In fact, we can be in the greatest danger when we are drifting and movement is so slight that we scarcely notice it.

The Gospel Is Our Anchor

Anchors must be solid, strong, and well maintained to be ready when needed. In addition, they must be attached to a foundation capable of bearing the weight of opposing forces.
Of course, the gospel of Jesus Christ is such an anchor. It was prepared by the Creator of the universe for a divine purpose and designed to provide safety and guidance to His children.
What is the gospel, after all, besides God’s plan to redeem His children and bring them back into His presence?
Knowing that it is in the nature of all things to drift, we must firmly set our anchors on the bedrock of gospel truth. They must not be lightly lowered onto the sands of pride or barely touching the surface of our convictions.
This month we have an opportunity to hear from God’s servants in a general conference of the Church. Their words, joined with the scriptures and the promptings of the Spirit, provide a secure and steady bedrock foundation of eternal values and principles to which we can attach our anchors so we can remain steadfast and secure amid the struggles and trials of life.
The ancient prophet Helaman taught, “It is upon the rock of our Redeemer, who is Christ, the Son of God, that ye must build your foundation; that when the devil shall send forth his mighty winds, yea, his shafts in the whirlwind, yea, when all his hail and his mighty storm shall beat upon you, it shall have no power over you to drag you down to the gulf of misery and endless wo, because of the rock upon which ye are built, which is a sure foundation, a foundation whereon if men build they cannot fall” (Helaman 5:12).

The Value of Firmly Set Anchors

Life has a way of testing our anchors and tempting us to drift. Nevertheless, if our anchors are correctly placed in the rock of our Redeemer, they will hold—no matter the force of the wind, the strength of the tide, or the height of the waves.
Of course, a ship is not designed to remain stationary in a harbor but rather to raise anchor and sail the seas of life. But that is a parable for another time.
For now, I take comfort in knowing that the anchor of the gospel and the rock of our Redeemer will keep us steady and secure.
Such an anchor will keep us from drifting into danger and misfortune. It will allow us the glorious opportunity to enjoy the incomparable beauties of the ever-changing and sublime scenery of life.
Life is beautiful and worth living. Wind, storm, and prevailing currents may tempt us to drift into dangers seen or unseen, but the gospel message and its divine power will keep us on our path back to the safe harbor of our Heavenly Father.
Let us, therefore, not only listen to the talks of the April general conference but also apply their messages as a firmly set anchor to our daily lives.
May God bless and guide us in this significant and essential endeavor!

Teaching from This Message

Consider discussing the importance of anchors in the context of Lehi’sfamily
 sailing to the promised land (see 1 Nephi 18). You might point out1 Nephi 18:11–15, a time when Nephi is bound, the Liahona ceases to work, and the ship is driven by violent storms. What consequences do we face when we are not securely anchored in the gospel? You might also point out 1 Nephi 18:21–22 and discuss how we can find safety by turning to the Savior.

Conference and Me

By Sarah Deeks
The author lives in Toronto, Canada.
I used to think general conference weekend was long and boring, but as time has passed, I have come to love and look forward to it. General conference weekend can be spiritually recharging, but it is easy to let these feelings fade when normal life continues on Monday. Some of the following ideas have helped me continue to get as much from conference as possible.
I prepare myself for conference by writing down questions, and then I make notes as my questions are answered. Afterward, I like to download the conference addresses and music from and put them on an MP3 player so I can listen to a talk or hymn as I go about my daily routine. I also love to study the conference issue of the Liahona. I highlight and make notes in the margins of my personal copy. By the time the next conference rolls around, my magazine is well used. My family sometimes studies the messages together in family home evening.
Keeping the spirit we felt during conference with us and continuing to learn from the messages requires work, but doing this has been a great blessing for me. I have received so much strength and guidance in times of need by studying the messages from general conference, and I know that these messages are inspired.

Set Your Anchor

What will keep you anchored to the gospel? Draw a line from the rope in the boy’s hand to the items that President Uchtdorf said are safe places to set your anchor.

“Setting Sail”


Hoisting our anchor
releasing our lines
departing the harbor
out the channel to go
setting sail in mortality
finding oneself becalmed
other times in fierce storms
securing our life lines
reefing our sails safely
battening the hatches
navigation equipment
checked frequently
whether in storm/calm
knowing of safe harbors
secure in the safety
of Father’s loving plan
taking on our lines again
dropping our anchor!

Copyright © 2014 – cji




A purpose of the creation
building families eternal
throughout the world all
procreation of one’s kind
each their respective sphere
most importantly man/woman
becoming even as the Father
bringing forth children if able
progenitive in their time
whereas some unable
having been worthy
someday eternal able
the creative blessing
becoming as the Father!

Copyright © 2014 – cji

"Precious the Memory"

“Precious the Memory”


Many come into our lives
so many different ways
each so differently found
most so unexpectedly met
sharing a quiet smile
a warming handshake
silent words and thoughts
ever precious the memory
when we take the time
reflecting what has meaning
thus to embrace the time
spent with a new friend
friendships last forever
found in our memories
differing are so many
becoming happiness today!

Copyright © 2014 – cji

"Saying Good-bye"

“Saying Good-bye”


So few the months knowing
yet special and sacred been
you came in your ‘calling’
a Sister Missionary to share
giving of your time/service
within our part of the vineyard
such a wonderful feeling
found wherever you are
saying good-bye knowing
somewhere – someday
we’ll again share a thought
as in the past – the future
still in your ‘calling’ to move
another Ward or Branch
your blessings to share
thus Sister Spendlove tears
of love and gratefulness
your service most sacred
these few months within!

Copyright © 2014 – cji

March 30, 2014




Centuries all forbidden
burning at the stake
or other forms of death
simple words there to read
messages easy to heed
yet to be politically correct
churches forbade them
the general public lost
only the elite able
still some found out
sharing with one-two
now published for all
what once caused death
and still as if verboten
most never to read
even so never to heed
Scriptures buried away
seemingly forbidden!

Copyright © 2014 – cji




Seeking shelter and in hiding
unable to stay in one place
danger lurking to reveal all
going here and then there
always watching all around
never a peaceful moment
often unknowing the threat
trying to get away this time
unable to stay in one place
always in hiding and moving!

Copyright © 2014 – cji




The American dream today
individual freedom and choice
less interference from government
yet instead now our nightmare
more and more laws provided
seeking votes of the entitled
freedoms lost and destroyed
laissez-faire thing of the past
as voters just pawns extorted
less freedoms and choices
now government a dreadnaught!

Copyright © 2014 – cji




Breaking down doors allowed
justified by the new courts
shooting innocent citizens
worse than the Nazi SS
violating all rights by choice
raping the American people
inroads of enforcement to be
SOP of the today’s government
caring not for the Constitution
caring only for their powers
justified by the new courts
inroads into raping a society!

Copyright © 2014 – cji




Calling in markers
blackmail to some
politics to others
bending to ones will
forcing votes today
threatening harm
law looking away
none able to flee
gathered records
showing weakness
once strayed caught
those who extort
caring not for any
selfishly in power
some to blackmail
markers called in!

Copyright © 2014 – cji