July 24, 2017

(3) "Intangible Energy"

Third, in what has been discussed above then helps us understand that what has been proposed as to the meaning and understanding of Spirituality, which it is intangible except by our works to learn more of the intangibles of the doctrines of the Father and the Son to which we’re to learn to adopt as our own. Below is the definition of energy as found in Wikipedia:

When we are speaking of energy there are several dynamic forms but what is discussed here is not the worldly energy (or available energy) but of infinite energy that which we not only need – but which we can increase infinitely for our righteous behavior. Thus if Heavenly Father is the author of all natural law – then he has infinite energy of which he can bestow upon those who honor and respect he and his Son. We’re able to earn such energy through not only our obedience in the commandments but in our exercising our agency as to have eternal faith in that which we yet do not know – but will eventually know – and in our choices of doing work of service unto others for the Father.

“Intangible Energy”
Exercising our right to do right
agency is a freedom of birth
only those with mortality
have the agency of choice
to choose right or wrong
when we choose right
agency increases exponentially
when we choose the wrong
we willingly surrender agency
for it was our choice/actions
leading to the one or the other
thus intangible energy is ours
when we’re on the Lord’s side
exercising our right to do right!

Copyright © 2017 – cji

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