May 18, 2016

"Until Tomorrow" (Epilogue to 'Brothers Unknown')

“Till Tomorrow”
(Epilogue to
‘Brothers Unknown’)


We came into the world
some as snowflakes
others as rain or hail
each finding their spot
some in Marathon
others in Flanders Field
some in the Pacific
some in the Atlantic
many lost in Africa
Europe still a graveyard
Asia where life wasted
world changers at work
Holocaust Camps
Japanese torture marches
inhumane treatment for many
while some paying all
all paying the remainder
till tomorrow my brothers
maybe on the Russian plain
or in the Transvaal
some in Canada/Mexico
 the US to see its share
all over the world is war
good against evil
from the beginning
until the end of history
our purpose is the right
the right reason and place
our duty to serve others
sheepdogs to freedoms
never taken for granted
knowing the cost is high
due to the stupidity of men
and the lusts of the women
war is preferred to peace
war is preferred to knowing
the Savior and the Father
war is the easier justification
and we’re the fodder of war!

Copyright © 2016 – cji

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