October 21, 2015

"Doing What is Not" (short essay)

Often I get questions from off my various sites – here is one such concern  - what to do when those around are not following the laws or policies of an organization to which they belong.
“Am hoping to get a little bit of guidance from you. I seem to have a really hard time with those around me when they don't follow stated policies. So I guess my problem isn't so much that the some are bending/breaking the rules, but the leadership are not having any concern or problems with them doing so and they continue to support such things.”
As times have brought many ‘ideas’ into play within the each of the various organizations to which we belong or affiliate – over and over some think they are more aware of what is needed than the by-laws to which they’ve agreed to sustain or obey. The best advice that I can give is what I have followed from the beginning to any organization to which I affiliate, “I go because I know (absolutely know) that it is the right thing to do or be part of at this point of my life!” I’ve watched many over the years do what they believe are the rules as bended. Only when they murmur, criticize the rules or other leaders, or otherwise attack another’s integrity – do we speak to the organizational leaders. We’ve to remember each is accountable for their own actions even those who’re in leadership positions. Depending on where we find ourselves – many times in leadership positions or simply attendees – we see that which we can strive to correct, however, another might see nothing wrong with what is going on – as it’s been that way since they can remember. We just don’t do it – and we understand the heads of the organization and their guidance and council to each of us.
Outside of one being or choosing to be offended – this is one of the biggest reasons most membership in any organization stop attending! However, this only hurts the one who leaves the organization and will never correct the situation. Again, we belong to an organization because we believe in its goals and beliefs – all of the positives from knowing this override any of the negatives. People will be people – just because they join our organization doesn’t mean they’ll be ‘perfect’ and many (like ourselves) have a long way to go (smile) – and we’re not to judge another.
If the behavior will endanger the organization – then the leadership should be told (asap) – when others do not follow the organizational policies – in our Interviews with the leadership we can bring this up as something which bothers us – many times once this is done we leave it in their hands. It is when we don’t that we tend to get into trouble with our own thinking and let it eat away at us.
We’ve to be true to ourselves and our standards – and always be mindful of what we decide to belong to or a part of an organization – remember that if we know – absolutely know something to be true – then no one else’s behavior will have an effect on us. Yes many violate the rules and or bend them to meet their desires or goals. Let it not be us doing such – c/ork

“Doing What is Not”


As the child violates bed time
an athlete violates a curfew
worldly violate Commandments
doing what is not within rules;

A world full of the so many fools
ignoring laws, statutes, commandments
while standing alone are the few
knowing never to cross right’s line!

Copyright © 2015 – cji

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