December 15, 2013

"Talk of the Week" Christmas Message December 1944

This week’s talk was given towards the end of WWII – however with the ‘war’ currently on-going throughout the world today. Many definitions can be given for the word ‘war’ – however, it should be reasonable to think it is any time when one lives in fear for themselves or their loved ones. One need not be facing tanks or aerial bombing – but simply be afraid to go out in the evening – to have our minds and hearing subjected to the filth distributed to the world on an ever increasing amount. Shootings are commonplace in many of our major urban areas – crime is at an all-time high -  immorality constantly is becoming worse. Marriage and the family is disappearing – self-reliance is being replaced by an entitled population. War is all around us – being waged by those who refuse to acknowledge the rights of others for the power, lusts, dominion of the few (even those who run our government in the US).
May we put our lives in order – prayer – obedience – service – love of the pure righteous type – learning and understanding the Law of God – and being committed to the Covenants we made in the pre-existence (before coming to this earth) – thus to return to Heavenly Father - c
Annual Christmas Greeting December 16 1944
1944-December 16-Improvement Era 48:10-11,
January 1945; also Deseret News, December 16, 1944.
Annual Christmas greeting from the First Presidency geared to war conditions in the world.
As the day nears, made holy by tradition as the anniversary of the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, we again give to all the Saints in whatever land they are, our greetings, our blessings, and our love in the fellowship of the gospel of Christ. May the Lord be with you always.
In this terrible hour of earthwide woe, misery, and death, with their weight of sorrow and grief that pour in upon the households of the people, we turn to the Lord as the source of the only true solace to aching hearts and weary souls. For He said to men of all times, "Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest."
This is an hour of prayer.
Obedient to the occasion we especially send to you mothers who have lost your sons, to you wives whose husbands have been killed, to you orphans born of the slaughter of war-in whatever land you live and on whatever side your departed loved ones fought-the sympathy and sorrow of our hearts, and we humbly pray our Heavenly Father to send you comfort and an early surcease of your grief. With deep feelings of compassion we utter a like prayer to Him that He will sustain and enhearten you who are crippled and maimed, that He will close and make whole the wounds of you who are hurt, that He will heal you who are sorely racked with pain and disease. We pray our Heavenly Father to send to each and all of you, whoever and wherever you are, you who mourn and you who are plagued with affliction, the healing influence of His Spirit, to bestow upon you richly of His love and His mercy, that you may be made every whit whole in mind and body and spirit, even as in His wisdom shall seem best for the welfare of your souls.
We pray for the men and women now in the service of their country, in whatever land they serve, that they who are sinful may forsake their sins and that all may come to walk in paths of righteousness so that all may have claim upon the blessings and mercies of the Lord. We pray that all may so live that the comforting influence of His Spirit may be their constant companion even in their darkest hours of dread and awful experiences, to buoy them up, to help them to know as they suffer in the depths born of evil, that God is good and kind and loving, and that mankind bring, even upon themselves, through their wickedness the cruel afflictions that are poured out upon them.
We ask our Heavenly Father to bless those of us who are at home, who have our work to do to carry on in this world cataclysm, and especially those of us, the fathers and mothers, whose sons still fight in the battle lines of the world, and the wives amongst us whose husbands fight alongside those sons in their danger and hardship and sacrifice, and the children over whom the threat of orphanage hangs so heavy-we humbly pray Him to bless all and each of them that in the day-by-day dread that is always with them lest ill news shall come, they may feel near to Him, feel the tenderness of His mercy, and the warmth of His love.
“Enduring War”
From the pre-existence
continuing generations
and now in our lifetimes
war is man’s excuse
it is woman’s excuse
rather than happiness
to return to Father
choosing war instead
arguing contention
disregard for rights
destroying God’s law
thus we’re enduring war
holding fast to truth
eternal truth eternally
seeking to be obedient
while enduring war
which the worldly
seek as their excuse
to justify wickedness
continuing generations
till the Second Coming!
Copyright © 2013 – cji

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