August 16, 2017

"Awakening Americans"

“Awakening Americans”


Wise was the observation
‘awakened a sleeping giant’
too long sleeping unawaken
allowing things to happen
helpless the feeling of slaves
masters called politicians
pulling strings of the elite
too long in evils dominion
stealing elections and laws
creating evil divisions of hate
teaching only non-morality
intense the hatred bred
how long we’ve been asleep
making money raising families
till now families are hated
religion is hated as is peace
how long will we sleep
unconcerned the paid rioters
never thinking they’d lose
conservatives are passive
allowing the police to fight
till one morning or evening
till one day too soon too much
awakening Americans all
criminals, illegals, terrorists
Soros and his ilk – RINO’s
lame street media – DNC
chaotic noise getting louder
no longer still asleep are we
President Trump we’ve your six
awakening how long to wait!

Copyright © 2017 – cji

When every couple of hours some left wing deadbeat who's against freedom - liberty and the Constitution (which they've never read) is attacking you and your attempts - while msm and the congress are having their markers called in by Soro's and others - it's rather difficult to believe this is either America or real. However, for eight years they allowed every vestige of this nation be destroyed from within and without but mostly within. Forgetting - '...after the election I'll be more flexible ...' or '...bowing to national leaders ...' or '... apologizing to countries whose survival depended upon our nation...' One could go on - but hatred is a horrible thing - and this struggle between this admin and the msm/congress is for our freedoms and our way of life - black/white or whatever - that those who've the pen without any brains print the news - which they did for the previous 8 years - and if anyone remembers they did similar to Bush (and he was one of theirs) - is sickening. Yet we knew this was coming - it's time to choose sides - there will be no innocent bystanders. c/ork

Copyright © 2017 – cji

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